compatabile mixup ?


New Member
Oct 8, 2021
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ive not had fish for years but ive had other aquatics in tropical and aquaponics outside,
my kids showing interest in the friends fish tank so i think its time i get a tank again, now i know they wont brreak the tank...wel .. i hope them throwing days are past,

i want easy matainence fish for them easy care and fun, i always loved cat fish, plecks and fast moving bright fish , so we compiled a list of fish locally i can get that we think would be a good match in the same tank.
what dya think ,. and why ive tryed to stay same temps and all friendly non fin biting fish , some like the be in schols others solo, so some i wants few of as companions, if i missed any that want a pair let me know

Albino bristle nose red eyed pleck x1
long fin bridtle nose x1
leopard pleck

cory cats x1
green cats x1
pandas x1
lazer cory x2
veatnamieze catx1
rapheal cat x1
glass cat x5

ramiresis x4
ottos x2
tetra neon x6
sword taisl x2
and 1 beta

borneo sucker loach x1
yoyo loack x1
kohli loach x1
snake loack x2

gona have cherry shrimp in a seperat tank, coz there cool as hell
also what size tank would you reccomend ? iwas looking at 100l on local facebook, but can go bigger if i need for the ammount of fish, though there small and mostly cleaner fish, i know i stil need cleaning and ph nitrates etc as they still poo poo, but hope to ofc run alot fo plants for them as algea eaters and suckers needing wood. plants also help not eliminate nitrates, any plant suggestions would be wicked,
I think that is way too many bottom dwellers. It's usually advised not to do loaches and corydoras in same tank. You shouldn't really mix species of corydoras, they might hybridise and only play with each other when desperate.

100L is not a huge footprint, so if it were me I'd pick a cory species then get 6-8 of them and possibly just one (small) pleco

All of the fish you picked except the swordtail prefer soft water - do you know what your gH is?

Personally I would only do one (or possibly risk 2) Rams. I've not heard of keeping them in a small group to spread out aggression, but I could be wrong about that. That species of Ram also likes warmer water than most of the others on your list. Bolivian Rams don't mind the water cooler

Otos would work, but wait till loads of stuff growing over back glass and wood and such.

Male Betta must be on his own, female might work but likely wouldn't.

Because I would say no about the loaches, swordtail and betta, you would room for a bigger shoal of neons, that will look better and the fish will appreciate it.

I can't help with plants, I just raid the Pets at Home shelves of tropica plants, and hope some of them survive before forgetting the exact names of most of them. Salvinia is a floating fern I got from there that grows like a weed, Limnophila also grows like a weed and helps keep clean water - I only bother with other plants to provide contrast to those two tbh.
heya thankyou,
i had no idea that the cory didnt liek to be mixed with same variants after seeing a few mixed together on youtube vids i assumed they woudl intermingle good,
loach cant go with a cory? howcome, growig up we always had loaches and loved em , didnt know back then there was a ruling? ours we foudn are good climbers and escape artists unfortunatly was 6foot away behind a unit, we assumed he had been eaten , was shocked to find him months later so far away,

i have full stage ro filters, i dont do 000 as its toomuch thats di filtering and strips nutrients from living cells but i keep it at 005 to 0015 max then change filters, so soft waters no problems, im guessing swordtaisl can be in soft too but not otherway round,?

the rams a lad at the shop said there happy in groups of 4 and it stops them getting bored, but are ya saying it has tendancys to be a nippy fish? if so il drop it, i want no competition so the kids dont get sad seeing that ive witnessed my fish being eaten and bullied its not a fun game,

yeah otoos need a mature tank, i knew that bit hehe ;)
why wouldnt a female beta work? whats the difference there, my partners only prefrence on fish is she wants 1 of them giant fluffy fans they display

neons are cool but get old fast i feel, as there all identicle almost, i love the poor ugly fish she loves the pretty fish lol,

kids,,, well they love anything with a heartbeat
haha i hear u on the plants, ill run a co2 diffuser and grow soem amazing plants out , in turn for co2 they release oxygen some amazing diy systems out there,
oxygen id be utilising a small current spray bar and filter system via bio medias undergravel filter systems was a thaught too, but im stil playing there ive somuch stuff left over from my projects and heaters etc lol
Check out Seriously Fish for all of your fishes needs.
You do know that plants will produce oxygen in the tank without a CO2 diffuser, don't you? :p

When planning your stocking, always, ALWAYS be aware of the water you'll be using and match the fish to this. Pay particular attention to pH and hardness.

From there, you can think about themes (South American? SE Asian? Lake Malawi? etc.) and from there, I'd suggest looking at the water column and looking at spreading the load between lower, middle and upper levels.

When you then start to consider whether or not fish need to be in shoals, what fish will get on with other fish and appropriate space to swim, it can all become quite complex and is much an art as a science.
Check out Seriously Fish for all of your fishes needs.
You do know that plants will produce oxygen in the tank without a CO2 diffuser, don't you? :p

When planning your stocking, always, ALWAYS be aware of the water you'll be using and match the fish to this. Pay particular attention to pH and hardness.

From there, you can think about themes (South American? SE Asian? Lake Malawi? etc.) and from there, I'd suggest looking at the water column and looking at spreading the load between lower, middle and upper levels.

When you then start to consider whether or not fish need to be in shoals, what fish will get on with other fish and appropriate space to swim, it can all become quite complex and is much an art as a science.
haha yeah but co2 isnt oxygen, co2 is what is absorbed by the plants to convert to oxygen, low co2 levels result in low plant growth and unhealthy plants especialy when using led lighting as it makes co2 needs increase, a simple diffuser is enough to feed co2 to plants which sinks low, and enable then to produce more oxygen in conversion ;)

il checke that site out thanks, quite interesting about themes hehe never thaught about that
haha yeah but co2 isnt oxygen, co2 is what is absorbed by the plants to convert to oxygen, low co2 levels result in low plant growth and unhealthy plants especialy when using led lighting as it makes co2 needs increase, a simple diffuser is enough to feed co2 to plants which sinks low, and enable then to produce more oxygen in conversion ;)

il checke that site out thanks, quite interesting about themes hehe never thaught about that
In all the tanks I've planted, I've never had plants running short of CO2, as the fish seem to provide enough.
I know the high-tech side of planting likes the CO2 diffusers, but I've found these to be very pro-plant, (which is a Good Thing) and occasionally anti-fish, (which, imo, isn't).
Cue @xxBarneyxx :D

Plants don't need CO2 to make's already present in the water and, with bubblers and surface agitation, there's usually more than enough.
I really need to get a copy/paste set up for why CO2 isn't the evil fish killer ;)

In fairness I have run just as many low tech/no CO2 tanks as I have high tech ones, both systems can work amazingly. I just defend the hightech method on this forum more to try and balance things out :)

Honestly CO2 is taking the hard route. With the right plant selection you can get a great planted tank with next to zero maintenance and no need to use extra kit. CO2 means having to use extra ferts, having to trim up at lest once a week and having to faff with CO2 diffusors, tanks, etc. There are pros and cons but a low tech can look and function just as nice as a high tech and all you need is a few root tabs and a bit of micro ferts most of the time. I just like the speedy, speedy plant growth and having toys to play with :)

Back on topic though...

All betta's can be aggressive. You might get the odd individual female that will work in a community but mostly they wont. Males can only be kept alone.

I think the biggest issues with your stocking lists is lots of different types of fish. I get what your going for, I also get were your coming from with trying to please the family too (I'm struggling with the same issue :) ). It's just that generally trying to run a stock list like this is going to run into problems. With so many different fish all in a close space, many of them needing to be in bigger groups, you are going to have a bunch of stressed fish which wont last very long.

It's a bit of a generalization but for a 100L ish tank you can either go for several bigger fish or a couple of groups of smaller shoaling fish with maybe a couple of "centerpiece" fish. A lot of the "smaller" fish need to be in groups of at least 8-10.

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