Community Tank Help


New Member
Mar 30, 2004
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I currently have a SeaClear 50 gallon System II aquarium (36"L x 15"W x 20"H) and planning to add:

Dwarf Gourami 3x
Angelfish 1x (Altum Angel-Pterophyllumscalare altum)
Dwarf Neon Blue Gourami 3x
Neon Blue Rainbow 8x (Praecox Neon Rainbow)
Plecostomus Catfish 1x

I was wondering if this was too many fish to stock in my community tank. If it is overstocking, what fish do you recommend that I take out and replace it with? Also will I run into problems with compatibility with this setup? Thanks.
:thumbs: Based on what I heard, female Gouramis are peaceful together. The males tend to get a little agressive over territory and when they breed. I'm still fairly new to Gouramis, so I'm learning about them also. Hope this helps! :D

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