Commonly Available Live foods guide

Grindalworm and Whiteworm and Fruitfly are missing from your list Sir Minion
What about the 'liquid' that daphnia and others come in?

can you put this in the water or do you have to drain it out first?

if you have to drain it, how would you go about doing so?
I feed mine frozen and live brine shrimp, dried tubifex worms, and very rarely will I feed my fish bloodworms becuase they are dried and they float and if the fish dont eat them they just sit there. Anyone know of any others that I shiould use? I keep african cichlids. Also, I am interested in a wild pair of kribensis, will they not adapt to flake or will they always have to be fed live food. And, what is the difference of wild and aquairum raised fish?
and for those who cannot find livefood locally to them, frozen stuff is as good. I bout a pack of 4 different sorts, you simply pop out a cube and put into the tank. My fish went nuts for it. Convenient, safe, clean and cheap.
I feed mine frozen and live brine shrimp, dried tubifex worms, and very rarely will I feed my fish bloodworms becuase they are dried and they float and if the fish dont eat them they just sit there. Anyone know of any others that I shiould use? I keep african cichlids. Also, I am interested in a wild pair of kribensis, will they not adapt to flake or will they always have to be fed live food. And, what is the difference of wild and aquairum raised fish?
Its a Craps shoot whether or not they will take to flake food, but have life food on hand and if they go more than 5 days without eating give em live food until they are nice and fat again. In Fresh water there isn't a great difference between Wild Caught and Farm Raised (most fish come from large ponds in SE Asia, Florida, Oregon, and the peoples republic of California here in the US) WC fish generally have different color patterns, they are less likely to be sickly, and more likely to harbor parasites.

Regarding live Tubifex worms, some suppliers still get them from run off from trout farms, and thats a good place to pick up whirling disease But if you buy them from a reputable source you won't ever have a problem with them harboring parasites or diseases since they will be raised in relatively sterile conditions (relatively because like other worms, there diet consists of bacteria).
Do you know how to breed River Shrimp?
Great list!!

For those of you killi lovers out there, I had a golden wonder for a few years (recently lost him when he made a suicide jump whilst I was cleaning the tank lid :() who absolutely adored wax worms, meal worms and large crickets.
River shrimp are more commonly reconized as "ghost shrimp". It is notvery hard to breed them. Get about 20 of them and put them in a 10 gallon. Set the temp at 72 -74 degrees. Then wait. The females and males look the same, but when she is carrying eggs you will see many greenish eggs under her tail and the bigger they get, the closer it is till hatching time. Seperate immeadiatly, or she and the other shrimp will eat the babies.

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