Fish Addict
So, i see all these websites for live food in the UK, how about some for the US...
Its a Craps shoot whether or not they will take to flake food, but have life food on hand and if they go more than 5 days without eating give em live food until they are nice and fat again. In Fresh water there isn't a great difference between Wild Caught and Farm Raised (most fish come from large ponds in SE Asia, Florida, Oregon, and the peoples republic of California here in the US) WC fish generally have different color patterns, they are less likely to be sickly, and more likely to harbor parasites.I feed mine frozen and live brine shrimp, dried tubifex worms, and very rarely will I feed my fish bloodworms becuase they are dried and they float and if the fish dont eat them they just sit there. Anyone know of any others that I shiould use? I keep african cichlids. Also, I am interested in a wild pair of kribensis, will they not adapt to flake or will they always have to be fed live food. And, what is the difference of wild and aquairum raised fish?