Common pleco's will often go paler when they feel stressed, so you should check your tank and see if anything could be causing this- how many gallon is it and what is its stocking?
Thanks for the quick reply.
It is a 7" common plec we have had for almost a year. It is in a 55 gallon tank with the following:
3 spotted raphael catfish - about 4 inches each
5 platy - about 1.5-2 inches
6 rainbow madagascar - about 2.5 inches average length
1 bamboo shrimp
nothing new in many months as far as stock goes.
filtration - AC110 hob filter + a UV filter I installed last month after I lost 2 platy to dropsy. I plan to remove the UV filter soon - it is an ugly internal one.
I have not checked the water stats on that tank in a month or so, besided PH. I recently added a 2 foot piece of that fancy driftwood that sinks rigth away. It had soaked for 3 days. After 2 days in the tank, the PH dropped from 7.2 to 6.9. I normall don't test ph much, but was curious how much the wood would affect it.
I did a 15% water change the day I added the wood. I did a 15% change 2 days later. It is day 4 now. I normally do 15% water change per week. I have a sand substrate, which I vacum during each water change. I stir it up about once per month. Filter media has not been rinsed in about a month. I am using a sponge and the bio-things that came with the AquaClear 110 filter, no carbon for now.
I will check the amonia, nitrates, and nitrites tomorrow. I have the testkits at work right now. (have a 20 gallon in my office)
We had not given the pleco a treat in over a week, just algae pellets. Today we dropped in a nice piece of cucumber, and he ate quite a bit of it. Based on his pooping all over the place all the time, I dont think he was starving though. Unless it was all the raphael catfish, but I dont think so.