Common Plec Issue

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Have the babies ot white edging on their dorsal fins?
From the pic, they look like Bristlenose catfish.
Can you get a pic of them from above or the side?
i hope you can see them ok as hiding behind filter, but will try to get some better ones if they let me lol
The babies look like they have white edging on their fins, which leads me to think they are BN. They are also one of the more commonly bred Plecs around so I am almost certain that's what you have.
I know how difficult it is taking photos, they all seem so camera shy!
Have the babies ot white edging on their dorsal fins?
From the pic, they look like Bristlenose catfish.
Can you get a pic of them from above or the side?
hi again they are not bristlenose as have 1 adult not 2, and none have the the brisles on their noses
i will get some pics when they want me too lol oh and have now around 20 in total including
mum and dad and brislenose :unsure:

Have the babies ot white edging on their dorsal fins?
From the pic, they look like Bristlenose catfish.
Can you get a pic of them from above or the side?
hi again they are not bristlenose as have 1 adult not 2, and none have the the brisles on their noses
i will get some pics when they want me too lol oh and have now around 20 in total including
mum and dad and brislenose :unsure:
hi again no white edging on dorsal fin 1 has but the rest are a tan colour but cannot see them all.
i can tell you that the larger ones have spikes on the side if that helps ??
The pictures clearly show they are bristlenose plecs,
and at any rate young and female bristlenoses don't have bristles
Females don't usually develop bristles, although some can grow a few around their mouths.
Common Plec babies don't usually have the white edging on their fins and as far as I know, no-one has bred them in a tank of that size.
Does your Bristlenose have bristles?

Females don't usually develop bristles, although some can grow a few around their mouths.
Common Plec babies don't usually have the white edging on their fins and as far as I know, no-one has bred them in a tank of that size.
Does your Bristlenose have bristles?
Females don't usually develop bristles, although some can grow a few around their mouths.
Common Plec babies don't usually have the white edging on their fins and as far as I know, no-one has bred them in a tank of that size.
Does your Bristlenose have bristles?

Females don't usually develop bristles, although some can grow a few around their mouths.
Common Plec babies don't usually have the white edging on their fins and as far as I know, no-one has bred them in a tank of that size.
Does your Bristlenose have bristles?
hi yes the brislenose has brisles.. is this what they are then as the other 2 large ones dont have them.are they female ? as now confused lol not hard as im blonde lol :drool:
Yep,you have two females (no bristles),and one male bristlenose.In the right conditions they will breed like bunnies,sell them!!

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