Common Plec Issue


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
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hi is it true what i read that common plec will not breed in a tank under 6ft,,,
as mine has and i have lots of babies
please help dont know whats going on
hi all yes as all the pics on internet is mine... sorry can get pics but dont know how to upload yet
If you set up an account with, you'll be able to download pics.
What size tank have you got and what fish are in it?
to be honest aint got a clue i know ive got 1 clown loach about 30 plecs now 1 tetra 2 red fin sharks another shark unknown 2 barbs and a couple others... size of tank is 3ft will take pics for the site and you may help me then as put them in a small tank as have just got them so quarantine is needed
If you can get pics up of the fry and the Plec, someone should be able to ID them.
How many Common Plecs have you got and what size are they?
hi :hi: to tff
you will need pics for a positive id on your plec i dont think it will be a common plec as they will not breed in a 3ft tank and burrow in to mud banks to lay eggs
therefore without alot of effort on your part they will not breed if at all also if it is a common plec and you have two adults (for them to be able to breed) your tank is really not big enough
regards scot :)
If you can get pics up of the fry and the Plec, someone should be able to ID them.
How many Common Plecs have you got and what size are they?
Hi again
i have about 20 babies sizes are diff from 2cm to 4cm hope that helps
Without pics, it's hard to determine what has bred in your tank. Common Plecs are normally bred in huge tanks or ponds and the chances of them breeding in a small tank are slim.
How big are the Plecs?
Without pics, it's hard to determine what has bred in your tank. Common Plecs are normally bred in huge tanks or ponds and the chances of them breeding in a small tank are slim.
How big are the Plecs?
hi again my plecs are about 7-8 inch long not huge i know
but are bigger than my bristlenose
pics to follow if i work out how to add them lol
If you upload your photos to, you can then upload them to this site.
If you upload your photos to, you can then upload them to this site.
hi have got the pics but says error am i doing somthing wrong
am trying, but very confuseing

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