Good evening all. I was at my LFS saturday and saw some black clowns labelled as Amphiprion Ocellaris ( colour variant ). Is there a tank bred black common clown?? The LFS kept both colour clowns in the same tank all juveniles. If the clowns were of the same species, would it be possible to keep a mixed pair or even two pairs in a large enough tank?? Leaving aside colour, if there is no anemone in the tank can more than two clowns be kept of the same species?? I say no anemone, because there would be nothing to fight over. ( Last sentence was less a statement, more a question as well ). Just one last question while i am on In a 350ltr tank would i have the room to home two Dwarf Angels. I already have a resident Coral Beauty, would any of the dwarfs be compatible?? ( i'd like to keep seven of them ) sorry bad joke just two. Cheers all.