Common Clean Up Crew


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
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This is all from anotther post.

It's somewhat important to try and keep a balanced crew in there...wall cleaners, rock grazers, sand sifters, detritus eaters. Etc/ SH

Above quote taken from another post.

could the members suggest a cleanup crew that are very commonly available and meet the criteria below.

1. Wall Cleaners, Latin name - Common name, how many and what price do they command ea.
2. Rock grazers, again as above
3. Sand Sifters, as above
4, Detritus Eaters, again as above.
Basically I'm looking for a balanced stocking level of the above given the size of tank.
Can you also advise me as to what my ideal pH reading should be.

Are there any compatability problems that I should be aware off when keeping these with other tank inhabitants such as fans etc.
Newbie sorry for the volume of questions....thirsty for more knowledge.
end quote

So im asking for help here. I have an Eclipse 12, and im pretty much asking for you guys to fill in the blanks.

However for rock grzers, have any of you heard of these?
they look nice, and aren't bad priced.

Thanks so much, i love this site.

oh, and can anyone help me with getting a better light for my eclipse? Its only 13 watts, and where can i find a better one that will fit?
12 gallons?

My personal stocking list for that tank would be:

5 red legged hermits
3 margarita snails
4 or 5 astreas
5 nassarius
4 cerith snails
small mithrax type crab (emerald, or a red crab)
and probably a peppermint shrimp

they're all relatively inexpensive and the margarita snails are beautiful.

Sorry I don't know the latin names!

thanks a ton. I actually didnt want the latin names, i forgot to eraase that part, it was copied. Ican really find the emerald crab, or the other one. But thanks so much! It saved me a ton from looking up what every kind eats.
anyone else got anything? And thanks again SLC
i would also add a cleaner shrimp and a couple or turbo snails aswell
ok, right now, i have a single turbo snail. When they say wait for algae, do they mean the brown stuff on the sides? Because he sure isn't keeping up.....
ok, right now, i have a single turbo snail. When they say wait for algae, do they mean the brown stuff on the sides? Because he sure isn't keeping up.....

Get a variety of snails to keep your algae at bay, and run a phosphate remover like RowaPhos in your refugium (im assuming the eclipse tanks come with one)

I use a sandsifting snail to keep my sand clean (i think its a conch) and turbo snails, astreas keep my rocks and walls clean though different snails are hard to get round here.
well, the filer it comes with would make a great refugium, but it isn't. the water is only half an inch deep, and the filter box is maybe two inches high, i've experimented wih everything, and if i block the outflow, the waterlevel back there rises. Is 2 inches enough for anything?
so is the brown stuff growing on the sides what im suppossed to be waiting for, that and stable conditions?
ok im kinda almost out of patience ;) IS it the brown stuff growing n the sand and sides, because its really, really , overrunning me now.
Well, if the algae on the glass is troubling you and your tubo snail can't keep up, why not get a magfloat or other algae scraper? :)
Because i did that 2 weeks ago and scratched the outside of my tank. The velvety side has a bunch a little pieces of metal leaking out the sides.

But im just wondering if thats the stuff im waiting for to add the rest of my crew.
its taking over, im not complaining, but onestly. Is this waht i need, or is the algea suppossed to be green? I know im thorugh the cycle, so someone tell me. Anyone know of good sites to order from? Im comparing costs, since im 15 and using my own money
nothing personal hobbit but sheeeeeeeeeeez try to be alittle less trigger happy with the posting button,

you can edit your posts as much as possible, and i think there is actually a little rule about not double posting unles in certain areas, as for your questions i cant really help you as im a newb salty too but i think the brown stuff is called detrus or detrums or something

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