common breeding signs?


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
I noticed today that my two biggest electric yellows were putting on a real show. each one had staked out caves opposite each other and were trying to woo the other yellows into their caves. luckily for me so fary they havn't been showing intrest in these two show offs. I say lucky cause the tank that I am going to use to put fry in isn't set up yet..... I guess that I should get off of my duff and get that going. but I was wondering what some common signs of these fish are breeding are.
:D HI JV!! :D
Sounds like :wub: is in the air... From the advice I have been given from this forum, my tank has flourished, with three different pairs all breeding, I have two batches of fry swimming, and my female Afra has just aquired another mouthful..(ahem)

Some of the points I have noticed...

Males will "shimmy" in front of the female they are chasing
Will become more teritorial, as you say, defending a cave or space
Their colours will start to change, or already be more vivid.
Start cleaning suitable spaces for a female to first lay her eggs

Females, may seem to swell at their anal fin point
become more interested in the male
Start to become more aggressive towards other females in the tank

These are just a few of the things I have noticed,

Good luck, it's a fantastic feeling seeing your first batch of fry swimming free!!

PS anybody interested in some first generation Cynotilapia Afra (white top) fry give us a shout!!!

well today cause my other half was sick so me and my puppy spent the day outside and downstairs.... but I was watching the tank and like you said Kev my two males were shimming in front of the females but again there wasn't any intrest. so no :wub: :wub: :wub: yet but we will see
okay so I was wrong :wub: is in the air or water as the case may be..... cause I went creeping downstairs tonight and I was watching them and I know that I defenatly have two males but the smaller one was bringing his A game cause him and one of the females were swimming circles around each other and the male was doing his dance till the bigger male broke it up and she wanted nothing to do with him it is really amazing this is my first dealing with these fish and so this is an experiment but I have friends that want to get some if I have babies
Isn't it fantastic to watch???

I have just bought some melanachromis Auratus, and the male is turning black...looks like more fry to

now I am just getting frustrated cause with all of the signs that I was seeing last night and earlier this morning have disappered they are all just swiming around having fun

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