Actually, I forgot about the interview That's not a 'mash' though- what I meant was, for isntance, we have a pinned Juwel filter removal topic, and the article doesn't say anything new, the betta article said nothing other than what you could find by having a flick through the pinned topics.
youre probably right, most things fishkeepers need to know are in TFFs pinned topics or in other threads, the chances are it will be there somewhere, the difference is presenting the information in a new and exciting way, especially to appeal to new hobbyists. Most of the people on this forum dont look at past threads or pinned topics before they ask questions, because if they did, then quite frankly the forum would be a pretty quiet place when it comes to questions. By way of the newsletter, its something that people can get quick and easy to read information, with an interesting appearence and graphics, because people dont sit there reading through pages and pages of pinned topics, its a convenience thing. Yes it has some things that may have been done before in pins, but what hasn't? And new and experienced people alike will actually read this.