Coming Up From The Depths


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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I have been reading different posts as much as I can and I was wondering would it cost a lot to set up a 10 gallon marine tank and what would I be able to put in it. Just curious since I have started to really like these tanks and I am thinking maybe I can convince my mom and dad for that to be my birthday present. Would it be possible to make a standard 10 gallon tank into a tank more or less full of invertebrates and maybe one fish. I seem to like the creatures more than the fish in SW tanks.

Thanks for your time

Hello austin,

It is possible to set up a nano tank with some corals, crabs, shrimp and a fish but it isnt very easy, you would need to do alot of research.

Unfortunatelt marine tanks arent cheap, you would be looking at around £150- £200
well that trasformed into American money I will have to figure out but doing reseach is basically what I have been doing lately, readding stickys and other posts, but so it is possible to set up a small 10 gallon with mimum requirements to house small inverts. That's nice to know. I would perfer just to use the mimimum stuff to start and gradually get nicer stuff. But thanks for responding, I realy like SW fish but only think they should be kept in larger tanks and from what I have read invertebrates can go in 10 gallons.


anymore opinions are welcomed

well that trasformed into American money I will have to figure out but doing reseach is basically what I have been doing lately, readding stickys and other posts, but so it is possible to set up a small 10 gallon with mimum requirements to house small inverts. That's nice to know. I would perfer just to use the mimimum stuff to start and gradually get nicer stuff. But thanks for responding, I realy like SW fish but only think they should be kept in larger tanks and from what I have read invertebrates can go in 10 gallons.


anymore opinions are welcomed


It is possible, have a look at the nano reef section and also at the specialised forum, unfortunately inverts usually quite sensitive creatures and they need good water quality.
Hi Austin :hi:

You can set up an invert only tank in a 10g (and maybe one fish) but be prepared for a lot of research and even more patience. The smaller the tank the harder it is to look after so you are coming at the hobby the wrong way - if you're up to the challenge go for it but bigger is easier, bear that in mind.

Aside from the tank you'll be looking at needing:

10lbs (4.5kg) of live rock - 1lb per gallon recommended
Powerheads - Rated at 200gph (750lph) in total would be recommended
Lighting - Power Compacts as a minimum standard
RO water

The biggest expense will be the live rock and lights, if you're wanting to keep corals you'll need good lights and good flow in the tank. Search around on the internet and get some prices from your area and you'll soon see it adds up. The majority of the cost is in the setup which is why its important to get it right, make a mistake in a Nano and there's more than just the fish to kill ;)
Cool Thanksa a lot aquascaper that's what I really needed, and yes I am up for the challenge. I don't watch much sports or TV like a lot of other kids my age do but I rather spend time at my lfs, with my fish , or here. And I figure one of the biggest SW stores in Ohio is located by me I should be able to find some good prices along with all the other lfs that are by me. ONe question approx. how much do the lights cost for a 10 gallon and what is a hydrometer?

Thanks and I will do a lot of research. I have a lot of time to do it in too.

Look on for a bigger tank possibly, like a 55g. I see those for free on craigslist all the time, and its easier for beginners (more room for mistakes or water issues) Then start out with atleast 20lbs of lr and some snails/crabs. I have a paperroute and make about 50bucks a month and buy lr with it, a little bit at a time. see if you can do that or have another way to make enough money for it. then just gradually add more as you get the time. If you can get the tank for under $50 then I think it would take about $100 more to start up and within the next month make some money and add as much lr as you can each month, til you have atleast 25lbs then lay off a bit as long as you just want inverts like crabs/snails or shrimps. just add one or two peices a month for 5 r 6 months. That's how I managed to start up my sw tank. But I use water straight from the ocean so I don't have that expense other than the filtering and sterilizing.
Let me chime in as a person who spent a small fortune on his nano. The fact that I lost most of it to a faulty tank is a different matter. I had decided to go up to a 65 gallon breeder, because I had fallen in love with the whole reef and wanted bigger and better. I then had to turn around and spend twice the small fortune to get all the stuff for the bigger tank. So the lesson is that while you might not want the big tank now, or ever, it is till better to the biggest and the best you can afford now, because if you do upgrade down the road it just ends up costing you alot more.
While I agree with all of the above comments to a certain degree, sometimes a large tank just isn't practical.

It has been mentioned that you should get a 55g and put around 25lbs of rock in, adding to that over the coming months - I would disagree with that as you would be better off filling a small tank with live rock than half filling a large tank and having to wait months on end before stocking it. Yes, a larger tank than a 10g would be preferable but I see no reason why you shouldn't stay 'Nano', ie. under 30g.

Upgrading from a Nano to a mini reef is not that difficult, the main expense being the upgraded lighting, as you would be following the same principal as mentioned by Dawhits. Move everything over and add to the live rock volume over time. The live rock you already have is enough to support your livestock already so as long as you don't add more bioload before you get more live rock you'll be fine.

When I upgraded from my 55g to a 120g all I did was transfer eveything over, admittedly it was a little easier as both tanks were 4 foot long so the lights moved over too, and then added live rock and bought a halide.

With the situation that you are in the cost of stocking a large tank may be too much whereas a Nano would be achieveable. You're not going to have the best equipment or the best setup but you will have something that you can afford. It is better to run a small tank affordably than to run a large tank and constantly be trying to find money, possibly to the detriment of your tank. I have heard of people who couldn't afford to buy food so their tank starved for a week, couldn't afford a new tubes for the lighting so their corals started to die, couldn't afford RO to do a water change so used tap water instead (without de-chlor as they couldn't afford it)........the list is endless :/

Marine tanks are expensive, not just in setup but running costs too. Smaller tank = smaller running costs which is why there's been an explosion in Nano tanks, especially for the younger generation. With the advances in technology and science it is easier than ever to keep smaller tanks and as long as they are researched properly and looked after they make stunning aquariums.

I personally would rather see you 3 months down the line with a lovely 20g Nano filled with inverts, corals and fish which is being cared for and looking good, than see you with a 55g half full and struggling to afford the stuff you need to make it look stunning ;)
The only reason I suggested adding lr gradually, is this person sounded like he was a kid like me. I got the tank for my birthday, but then only had about $100 which I bought 25lbs of lr with. I still have a hob filter which I started with because I use it for increased flow and it is full of lr rubble now. I over the past months have added about 10 lbs and my lr supports the fish very well, granted I just have small fish right now, and hermits/snails. I think this is easier for a kid because I personally have a hard time just going out and spending $500 on one thing at a time. I'd rather build it up gradually, which made the expenses seem lower. Plus I went to Hawaii and got lots of dried up coral there off the beach, which I then stuck in my tank jus for looks, although it has all now colonized with tubeworms, corraline algae and other bacteria and organisms. These although they don't wiegh much they add alot for looks.
Yes that's correct I am 14 and the reason I can't get a bigger tank is that my parents won't let me. The biggest tank I could get is a 30 gallon high but it would be .25" off the dresser on both sides. And I have a paper route too but I only get 10-20$ a month. And I just got my grade 8 soccer ref licesce so I am hoping for a couple hundred dollars mimum from working. The main thing is that my parents won't let me get a bigger tank so I have to deal with what I have. Anyways I am going to be doing months of research so I can get a great tank.

Thanks for all the help so far, I hope you guys won't mind me asking questions when I can't find the answers for them.

Ok...I didnt really mean that he should get a big tank. I meant that he should set his tank up with the best he can afford. Because if he decides to go bigger down the road, it will cost him twice as much.

EDIT -- Errr...I man better down the road - I.E. corals etc.
Well I won't be getting a bigger tank until I have my own house or place but that won't be a while since I am only 14 and I will be probably getting it for chirstmas if I can convince my parents since then I should I have enough money to get everything I need to make it very nice and enough research.

You could convert an AquaC HOB filter into a small refugium if you wanted to. Some people cut up the gray plastic basket and make a baffel out of it to reduce the flow...put LR or mineral mud in the bottom....put chaeto in it and a small clip on PC Light. Some just put their filter media in it. SH

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