Come A Little Closer..........

That is one well fed Otto. One of mine has a big tummy like that, but my new one hasn't. I guess he/she hasn't had time to engorge him/herself on the "lush" algea :lol: I am growing on my driftwood.
Yeah my Driftwood is lovely and clean with the Oto crew!! :lol: Have you seen how fast they swim!! Like little bullets Whoosh!! :lol:

I love my ottos, and with the shrimp, they make a good combination. I was wondering if I should get some Amano shrimp (Caridina japonica) when I transfer these to a new, larger tank? I have Cherry Red Shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata red variation), and Otocinclus affinis, and want to get some other variations of otto's. I have read that the Amanos eat a different type of algea as the red cherry shrimp and that otto's eat another type of algea. I would like to see if the combination of the three would help.

P.S.- Yes, I have seen them swim, it is definatly a treat. I love how the rest on their fins, kinda like Polyepterus.
Here's more Pictures of my fish. Hope you like them. :)

One of my Clowns.

Graeme. :)

Excellent pics of your Loaches graeme :)

We are also in NC, where do u get all those wonderful types of loaches you have? and how many tanks do u keep 57 of them in?!
I have 1 loach lol :lol: but he is my fav fish! and I want more!
do u breed and sell any by chance?
we want to get a HUGE tank soon - and Id like to add some diff cool loaches to the bottom of it..
you seem to be the Loach King - ADVICE ADVICE!! :D


Thanks Everyone! :D

Starry^ Nice to meet a fellow NC'er :) Kuhli's are the only Loach i've breeded in the aquariums. 4 going on to 5 tanks at the moment. I have friends and contact's in Thailand where they Breed them. Just years of keeping them and building up the Loach species collection. Any Advice! Just PM me and hopfully i can help.


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