Danny - the lost soul---
Now back to what can go with the danios....
Corries for the most part are laid back and preffer the company of more mild mannered fish. There are downfalls though.
1) corrries DO NOT tolerate salt and should NOT be in a tank that has salt added.
2) the danios can be a bit nippy at times and may keep the corries stressed. Though there are MANY species of cory . Some of which get bigger than others and that are a bit less timid.
3) with corries you want to assure they get enough food fed that some makes it to the bottom. Don't make the mistake and think corries are poop eaters and survice on fish left over terds. ( just in case had to mention )
with the danios they are really hyper and tend to gobble food as it hits the water.
As long as food makes the bottom they will find it. BUT, adding salt to the tank makes them less of an option. The health and life span will decrease dramaticly if kept in a tank with salt added. Some species may seem alright but will eventually kick. Have I kept them in tanks with salt added yes, did they live ? yes, but eventually died and there habbits wee NOT the same. I got several diff species of corries now and several diff tanks. There are a few with the Africans biut they are the older more pussy one. Albinos and the Green corries get the biggest. I had one about 3 1/2'
"( green and a white about 3".
Southg American there are a few species that will go well and toleate the salt / water conditions you have.
Apistos for example, they stay faily small and can be housed in small tanks. the are mostly bottom dwellers so they will stick mostly between plants, rocks, caves and so on. They are aggresive enough to fend of the danios if need be. And most important of all are fairly EASY to breed.,
They do better in planted aquariums and preffer live foods ( brine, baby brine , white worms, larva ) are all good foods and GREAT for conditioning to breed.
African species there are a few that MAY go well, there are several west african species There are several species of Pelvicachromis and many are really nice. Breeding and housing are simmular to that of the Apistos. Live foods also preffered.
Nanochromis species are also very nice and fairly easy to keep. transvestitus,nudiceps, caudifasciatus and minor I have all kept in the past and most were housed with either danios,tetras,some even with barbs. I found this encouraged them to breed more and be alot more protective of there off spring.
Neolamprologus, Julidichromis may go well BUT they both are nippy and may give the danios a run for the fins.
And lets not forget there are many,many,many community fish that will go well with the danios. I just ran through a few cichlids because it's mostly actually all I keep. no wait I'm story telling. I got a few odd balls also. Knight Gobbies, MudSkippers, and a few South Americans. So I will retract that previous statement.
Alright lost myself here and need anothr brew...... Hopefully this helps for now...

Corries for the most part are laid back and preffer the company of more mild mannered fish. There are downfalls though.
1) corrries DO NOT tolerate salt and should NOT be in a tank that has salt added.
2) the danios can be a bit nippy at times and may keep the corries stressed. Though there are MANY species of cory . Some of which get bigger than others and that are a bit less timid.
3) with corries you want to assure they get enough food fed that some makes it to the bottom. Don't make the mistake and think corries are poop eaters and survice on fish left over terds. ( just in case had to mention )
with the danios they are really hyper and tend to gobble food as it hits the water.
As long as food makes the bottom they will find it. BUT, adding salt to the tank makes them less of an option. The health and life span will decrease dramaticly if kept in a tank with salt added. Some species may seem alright but will eventually kick. Have I kept them in tanks with salt added yes, did they live ? yes, but eventually died and there habbits wee NOT the same. I got several diff species of corries now and several diff tanks. There are a few with the Africans biut they are the older more pussy one. Albinos and the Green corries get the biggest. I had one about 3 1/2'
"( green and a white about 3".
Southg American there are a few species that will go well and toleate the salt / water conditions you have.
Apistos for example, they stay faily small and can be housed in small tanks. the are mostly bottom dwellers so they will stick mostly between plants, rocks, caves and so on. They are aggresive enough to fend of the danios if need be. And most important of all are fairly EASY to breed.,
They do better in planted aquariums and preffer live foods ( brine, baby brine , white worms, larva ) are all good foods and GREAT for conditioning to breed.
African species there are a few that MAY go well, there are several west african species There are several species of Pelvicachromis and many are really nice. Breeding and housing are simmular to that of the Apistos. Live foods also preffered.
Nanochromis species are also very nice and fairly easy to keep. transvestitus,nudiceps, caudifasciatus and minor I have all kept in the past and most were housed with either danios,tetras,some even with barbs. I found this encouraged them to breed more and be alot more protective of there off spring.
Neolamprologus, Julidichromis may go well BUT they both are nippy and may give the danios a run for the fins.
And lets not forget there are many,many,many community fish that will go well with the danios. I just ran through a few cichlids because it's mostly actually all I keep. no wait I'm story telling. I got a few odd balls also. Knight Gobbies, MudSkippers, and a few South Americans. So I will retract that previous statement.
Alright lost myself here and need anothr brew...... Hopefully this helps for now...