Columbian Tetra


New Member
Nov 21, 2020
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Good Afternoon
I have a Columbian red fin tetra She is eating fine and swims normal but when in stationary mode she goes vertical with her tail facing the top of the tank. I am a novice and advise from members has always helped. Also she is not showing signs of distress but i am concerned.
I tried to get a picture of her but everytime she sees me she goes to normal swim mode because she thinks it's feed time. I look forward to someone's advise. Yvonne xx
What are the tanks water parameters? How big is the tank? What are the fish’s other tank mates?

Any chance of a picture of her when she is vertical?


Usually when a fish is tail up, it indicates an issue with the swim bladder.
What are the tanks water parameters? How big is the tank? What are the fish’s other tank mates?

Any chance of a picture of her when she is vertical?


Usually when a fish is tail up, it indicates an issue with the swim bladder.
Hi Thank you for your message. My husband isn't about so I am unable to give the tank parameters but all I can say is he checks everything regular. At the moment she has 3 small angel fish and 2 swordtails, we had 3 swordtails but lost one and because I am shielding we haven't replaced him. There are also a couple of black mollies and a cat fish. She is the only Columbian in this tank because we have another tank with Columbian in and we removed her about 3 months ago because she was being bullied so bad that she wasn't eating or moving from a corner it was heartbreaking to see her suffer. and she had her tail eaten which has now grown back and since the move she has appeared happy always at the front of the tank. She has had this problem for about 2 to 3 days now. We have been feeding frozen Daphnia but pre soaked in tank water to make sure she doesn't swollen any chunks. I think I've gove as much information as possible. This is the best picture i could get because when she sees me she swims to the front of the tank and stays horizontal. Sorry for the large message.


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It appears that it may have a swim bladder disorder. This can be cured, but I am not one to give remedies.

@Colin_T will be able to tell you the best way to treat this.
My barbs do this all the while. Tend to do it to show off their colours to others

If she is still eating and doesnt seem stressed at all it may not be nothing to worry about

Id just keep a close eye over the next few days to see if any new symptoms show up
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It appears that it may have a swim bladder disorder. This can be cured, but I am not one to give remedies.

@Colin_T will be able to tell you the best way to treat this.

It appears that it may have a swim bladder disorder. This can be cured, but I am not one to give remedies.

@Colin_T will be able to tell you the best way to treat this.

video the fish

video the fish
I have done a video but when I tried to post it the relevant extensions weren't available. I can try tomorrow but it will have to be fr9m work on pc. Until then I only have the picture. Yvonne
Uploading videos via the forum doesn’t work, you must upload using YouTube or Goggle Videos, (or whatever video platform you use) and then post the link here.
My video won't load. I've been having issues for a while with camera ect. Only picture. Thanks anyway I will have to Google remedies but was hoping to get advice from here. Take care Yvonne
You can still get advice, we just can’t upload videos via the forum. :/
Uploading videos via the forum doesn’t work, you must upload using YouTube or Goggle Videos, (or whatever video platform you use) and then post the link here.
Hi Colin the video won't work. I've been having issues with my phone. Is there still some advise you can give me. Regards Yvonne

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