Columbian Stingray

There is a varient of Potamotrygon schroederi which is known as the "columbian" ray but most rays sold as "columbian" rays are a motoro varient.
Potamotrygon scobina, but they are very rarely sold in England
how long would i get away growing a baby columbian/motoro in my 100g if i took all my fish back except my eel and bichir then emptied the tank of all decor to give lots of floor?surely it would be ok for 6 months. its 8"disc and they said it grows to 20"over 4 to 5 years.i am already taking steps to getting my new tank it will be custom built.8ft in length not sure about the width yet.once i have sold my old car my friend is coming to build me a stand and when thats nearly done im ordering the tank to be made :) its all sorted :) except selling the car anyone wanna renault scenic limited edition? £2000 for any tff member :lol:
thats ok he will only be in there 6 months or so and thats worse case scenario.i read they are a good ray to get for a begginer
Motoro's are pretty tough as rays go but they still require a certain level of experience and dedication to keep alive and healthy, you have very little room for error and a silly mistake can easily result in a dead ray very quickly. As long as you stay on top of your game by making water changes your religion, removing any uneaten food or waste straight away and making the ray the most important thing in the tank you cant go far wrong, if another fish even looks like it is going to bother the ray it gets removed and anything that outcompetes the ray for food gets the same treatment.

Rays actually do better when kept in pair or groups, my motoro female has been much more active and outgoing since i added a male at the end of last year, to get the best from your rays i would advise buying at least 2.
i have allready got rid of my balas and angels just leaving my eel and 2 bichir and 2 needle fish.i have replanted all my plants in one cornor leaving the whole tank bare.i added my new external filter this water stats are amon=0 nitrite=0 nitrate=30 this ok you think?the ray in question is eating bloodworm regular(i have seen)and very healthy looking.
The plants are unlikely to stay planted for long, or even in one piece if it is anything like my female motoro that likes to bite the leaves off plants for some reason, also your needle fish are quite likely to be eaten at some point as their slim body shape makes them easy to pin down and bite.
You'll have to get the ray away from eating bloodworm and onto more substancial foods like whitebait/mussel/cockle/prawn as soon as you can as bloodworm isnt enough to sustain a young rays growth.
ok so the needle fish will also go back :( it will be worth it :) after picking him up have you got any tips on introducing him to the tank?
most people have always said that motoro are a good starter ray but i think opinions are starting to change as motoro grow way to big and are far more aggressive than other rays once they become adult

a male motoro will rip a female to bits and even kill her when hes ready to breed, there is agression with other rays but not as much as with motoro

i would look for a hystrix as a good starter ray, they stay smaller are less agressive and are cheaper what more could you ask from a 1st ray
im gonna look up the histrix thx they are nice but i much prefer the colombian and ive read in many different places they are also good starter rays.i do value your opinion tho m8 i know you know your rays :good:

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