Colourful Tropical Fish

Depends, some fish like platies swordtails come in many colours, its down to a personal preference

What size tank do you have? are you wanting peaceful community?
180 fluval :good: :good: vicenza just bought my mind is kinda not on the sword tail they hump a lot at the present i have a bi ube and took loads of healthy fry to my lfs
Just got some Flame Tetras (red & yellow) that are very pretty and seem peaceful. They contrast very nicely with Harlequin Rasboras (pink, silver and black)
will u guys look out for my new tank al post it i am a bit of a nerd :hyper:
ram cichlids/pineapple swordtails/boseman rainbows/red rainbow fish/american flagfish the list is endless :good:

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