Ace Of Spades
Fish Gatherer
You could get some Boesmani (spelling) Rainbow Fish, They shoal and are very colorful...
I have used rasboras in a fairly new tank and they did fine. When you see them in the store they are often quite small but if you give them food and good water they grow to about 4 cm long and 1 cm tall plus fins and tail. they will shoal together but not as tightly as the rummy nose do. I always seem to have them in my community tanks but never seem to think about them much. In my case that means they live well without much special attention because I notice the ones that give me trouble with behavior problems or health problems.
The lfs said they don't do well in hard , alkaline water either. Anyone out there with same kind of water who can help??How about cardinals
[I have read that Rasboras don't do well in hard water and ours is very hard (and alkaline) this seems that most of the tetra, rasbora and smaller schooling fish prefer soft ,slightly acid water.....such a shame. I seem to be struggling to find fish that are small, shoal and like hard alkaline water !!