Colour Enhancement

just a varied diet of flake, tablets, dried foods, vegetables, frozen foods and live foods when they're available
I feed my fish a color-enhancing flake food; along with frozen bloodworms once or twice weekly. Natural foods definitely help enhance color.

Good water conditions and a lack of stress will also help to keep colors bright.
i use the same food as cutechic...the TetraColor Natural Color Enhancer Tropical Flakesalong with Hikari Tropical micro pellets
I have heard that some color enhancing fish foods (the manufactured foods not natural stuff) have hormones that boost the colors. Sort of like putting the fish into mating season constantly so that their colors are more vivid. I read that kind of color enhancing food is very bad for the fish as it stressed their bodies out from being in mating season all the time. Was I reading bad info or has anyone else heard something like that?

That is very interesting. Has anyone esle heard that? Sounds like an X-file. :alien:

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