Colour Changing


New Member
Jan 2, 2007
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hi everyone.

i am fairly new to this whole aquarium lark, so i have a couple of questions i need answering.

1.i have this angelfish that has a white front half and a black back half and red cheeks, but every now and again he changes to be completely white and his fins go see through. this only lasts for about 30 mins but i find it sort of,

2.i also have a rainbow shark who is normally a deep brown colour with red/orange fins but sometimes he also changes to be a light grey colour with a black circle on his tail and eye.

3. me and my mate bought spotted catfish on the same day....while mine has stayed a brilliant white colour with very distinct black spots and lines , his has gone a deep brown colour with black spots. (he has dark gravel and a dark background) .

any answers would be grately appreciated.

there's a number of things that can affect fishes colour, it's fairly normal for them to change colour sometimes.

you've hit right on the nose of the issue with your friends tank, fish react to they're colour background and sustrate..... ever seen really really pale fish in a tank with luminous pink gravel..... the fish don't like it!

stress or illness can cause a fish to fade, but this will be more long term than the half hr your talking about.

i used to have some silver banded angels and the bands would be quite pale most of the time, when i came to the tank to feed them they went darker, they can react to interaction and feeding.

some fish will also change colour when they're ready to mate

also sometimes juvenile and adult fish of the same species can have very different markings so they may change just as part of growing up.
Very good post and typical useful response (as always).....

I had no idea this would happen..........never thought about it........will look at my fish even more closely from now on.............
Very good post and typical useful response (as always).....

I had no idea this would happen..........never thought about it........will look at my fish even more closely from now on.............

there's a number of things that can affect fishes colour, it's fairly normal for them to change colour sometimes.

you've hit right on the nose of the issue with your friends tank, fish react to they're colour background and sustrate..... ever seen really really pale fish in a tank with luminous pink gravel..... the fish don't like it!

stress or illness can cause a fish to fade, but this will be more long term than the half hr your talking about.

i used to have some silver banded angels and the bands would be quite pale most of the time, when i came to the tank to feed them they went darker, they can react to interaction and feeding.

some fish will also change colour when they're ready to mate

also sometimes juvenile and adult fish of the same species can have very different markings so they may change just as part of growing up.

thank you sir ...that is some useful info there. i was a bit worried but now i am at ease with my fishies.....thanks
I added six Bumblebee Shrimp which were banded black and white to my tank. After a week of mooching around bogwood they were brown and cream.

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