Fish Addict
I have a little problem with the space so I have to mix my water in a 10L canisters. I shake them from time to time but some pieces of salt still there. How harmfull it could be to a fish if couple of salt pieces will go to the tank water?
I have manage to heat up a little amount of water in microwave, disolve salt in there and then mix it with the cold water that left in a canister. Salt looks like disappears, but anyway, it takes more time to prepare it.
Thanks again.
try to get yourself a large bucket and a cheap powerhead. Add water to buck, add salt, add powerhead. Let it run for an hour os and water should be mixed and oxygenated due to the water moverment/circulation caused by the powerhead!
also it would be ideal to add a heater to get the water in the bucket to the same tmperature as the tank which also helps the water to mix.
But just mixing in a microwave deplenished the water of oxygen and so can cause stress to the fish when added to the main tank!