Fish Fanatic
Okay so I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, but I'm getting a 50 gallon tank soon and need community fish. I looked at fish such as neon tetras, definitely my cories, maybe gouramis, and I was thinking getting danios as well. My Bio class has orange and pink danios in the tank. I was wondering if this coloring was normal to the species as I can't find any list of danio species that includes available colors.
I would also like input on the stocking of my future tank. It would have sand substrate. I haven't made any official stocking choices besides a bunch of cories and need to keep pH, alkalinity, etc. in the same general area. So I need community fish that can stand a pH between 6.0 and 7.5 and temperature between 23.0 C and 25.0 C. Also note that the water in my region is naturally very hard. Any information on the colors? Or even if I should get danios?
I would also like input on the stocking of my future tank. It would have sand substrate. I haven't made any official stocking choices besides a bunch of cories and need to keep pH, alkalinity, etc. in the same general area. So I need community fish that can stand a pH between 6.0 and 7.5 and temperature between 23.0 C and 25.0 C. Also note that the water in my region is naturally very hard. Any information on the colors? Or even if I should get danios?