Colony Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2008
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I subscribe to Tropical Fish Hobbyist, and in one of the recent issues there was an article on single-species colony tanks. Is it possible to do this with cories?
It is not only possible, I have 13 C hastatus as a colony in a 20 gallon tank. I still hold hope for them but so far they are just swimming around like they own the place. They actually do own it for the last several months. I'm afraid my water is really not ideal for cories though. I got the idea from a guy on planet catfish who does it with habrosus and with hastatus. In his case he was claiming breeding survival of about 50 or more per year of each.
Would it only work with the pygmy species?
Well you could establish a colony with any of the Corys really. I'm planning to do so with my Duplicareus. I've only got 4 now (spawning at the moment, so maybe more?) and was planning to pick up about a half dozen more. Thinking to put them all in a 60g tank and let them thrive and see how many generations of these guys will live in there throughout the years.
How do you get the fry to survive?
Well what i've been doing is taking the eggs and popping them into a net breeder in the same tank as the parents. I feed them with some Hikari "First Bites" (I mix it up in a bottle with tank water first since it likes to just float on the surface otherwise) and a piece of broken Hikari "Sinking Wafers" I kept them in there until they got to about 1/2 or more and then let them loose in the tank.
Would it only work with the pygmy species?

ive had colony tanks with adolfoi, sterbai, melini ( still have this one ), metae and aractus(sp) and they all thrived but having gotten other fish i had 2 release and make them share :)

bringing fry up as above said remove eggs into a container (i used a food container with airstone), when they hatch move them into a 2 foot fry tank feeding on microworm ,BBS ,crushed tetra prima and decap brine shrimp, doing plenty of water changes and removing any uneaten foods :)


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