Collecting And Importing Wild Fish


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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I would like to know how easy this is before i even start to think about making any plans. So i go choose a fish i want to keep, go to its natural habitat, catch it and prepare it to be sent back to the UK.

What i dont have any idea about is the paper work and customs restrictions?

Any info or web references would be fantastic.
the easiest way is to find a shop that already does it and see if you can tag along, or an organised trip. You absolutely must have all the paperwork before you leave.
the easiest way is to find a shop that already does it and see if you can tag along, or an organised trip. You absolutely must have all the paperwork before you leave.

this is what i mean, what paperwork?

I would go on my own regardless of expense.
hehe Well find out what paper's you need, that's the hard part, i was looking into importing from colombia to the u.k and u.s.a but at moment iam holding off as to much hard work....
If you manage to find out, i will be off to colombia <medellin> soon, maybe you would go there :shifty:
hehe Well find out what paper's you need, that's the hard part, i was looking into importing from colombia to the u.k and u.s.a but at moment iam holding off as to much hard work....
If you manage to find out, i will be off to colombia <medellin> soon, maybe you would go there :shifty:

i'll see what i can find out, there are a couple of blokes in the rare livebearer section that have done it so i'll post there and let you know if i find some answers. Columbia huh, same region but i was thinking more mexico or guatamala - if you could go to columbia tomorrow what fish would you collect?
hehe me well i would get blue acara /oscar's /wolf fish /Potamotrygon histrix /Oteoglossum Ferrari /Hypancistrus zebra l046 /also Panaque cochliodon :drool:
Sturisomatichthys leightoni / To name but a few

import licence
Export licence for the country visited
vet certificates ( country of origin)
Health cert ditto ( may be combined)
Collection permit ( most places you are not even allowed to "have a look" without one)
Specific permission to export what you catch (not always a given)
A good knowledge of CITES and nationally restricted species ( long jail term for breach, if you break a local reg you may get UK gov. support, if cites forget it you are going to jail in a 3rd world country)
someone prepared to take you to places where commercially viable fishing takes place ( probably the hardest to find if you go it alone)
Permission to go visit certain areas..local and national permits may be required

Shipping agent, export
shipping agent , import
UK vets /defra health inspection

Most of the first are fairly cheap:- probably £200-400 in total
The second lot:- say £200-400 for export agent & £400 for import & defra
shipping fees if less than 100kg about $6-10 a kg

VAT on all the above and value of goods and freight costs. ( ie the total cost/value)

all of a sudden it looks like a minefield, because it is. IMO get someone who does it for a living to arrange it for you & deal with the paperwork, it will still cost a bomb though.
I always wanted to go to lake Malawi to look at the Cichlids! lol

That would be so cool!

Hopefully you get it all sorted out jonnyf84, and you get to go! :good:

I think everyone has different opinions on these things.

But hey, you only live once, so do whatever you want and live life to the full. :good:

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