Coldwater Type Shark, Asian?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I remember about 15 yrs ago I nearly bought but regretted not buying a type of asian freshwater coldwater shark. With memory it had a high fin andgot potentially large. It was stunning as a juvi though

just wondering what type of fish it was and if anyone has one?

Hope this rambling makes sense

as soon as I typedthis I found it

Myxocyprinus asiaticus
Is that known as a Wimple?

Lovely looking fish, considered it briefly before seeing it's max size.
its a banned species in the UK. as it should be! you can apply for a licence if you like. don't hold your breath though.
I wasn;t planning on getting one I don;t have the capacity for larger fish anymore was just curious as I hadn;t heard of them for years
I wasn;t planning on getting one I don;t have the capacity for larger fish anymore was just curious as I hadn;t heard of them for years

they are an incredible fish. sadly classed as an "invasive species". the post was aimed more a tenofive's comments. unfortunately there are LFS (lfs types?) that sell these fish, and other illegal stock. many through ignorance, but many for profit.
just thought its legal status was worth airing, is all.
didn;t realise that, does that mean then that these had been introduced into british waters in the past?
I wasn;t planning on getting one I don;t have the capacity for larger fish anymore was just curious as I hadn;t heard of them for years

they are an incredible fish. sadly classed as an "invasive species". the post was aimed more a tenofive's comments. unfortunately there are LFS (lfs types?) that sell these fish, and other illegal stock. many through ignorance, but many for profit.
just thought its legal status was worth airing, is all.

Much as I may dream I doubt I'll ever have a coldwater tank big enough for them, but they're an impressive fish nonetheless. Have to admit I didn't know their legal status though.
didn;t realise that, does that mean then that these had been introduced into british waters in the past?

they are perfectly capable of living in any British waters. they share the same classification as the Mitten Crab, Red Signal Crayfish and Mink. dangerous invasive species.

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