Coldwater Tank

Just out of interest, why do you want to go for a coldwater tank? On average tropical fish are much smaller and so you can have a greater variety in smaller spaces.

You really are limiting yourself for what is literally the price of a heater.
There is no reason why I couldn't have another tropical tank. Its definitely not about the price of another filter and heater! :) I was just thinking that I had 1 tropical tank already so why not a cold water tank now? I fell in love with bettas and have never really fallen in love with any other breed like that.
i agree with Curiosity if theres no reason you can only have a coldwater i would go tropical it gives you alot more options. if you like bettas that much if you get a tank 10g plus you could keep a group of females. or look into getting a pair of wild bettas. you can keep most male and female wild bettas together. im hopefully getting some soon im talking to someone now who is seeing what types he can get imported in for me :]

did you get the corys?
I'll be picking up some corys tomorrow afternoon, if I can. Just going to get 2 and hope for the best. :)

The only bettas I've ever been able to get are the veil tails. Most are never in great shape. Plus they're always either blue or red. That's it. I took a female betta from a LPS a few weeks ago. She was tanked with a male betta and he was torturing her. My mam had a wee empty tank (10G) and wanted a betta so she has the female now. I look online at the bettas sometimes and get so jealous of all the different types and colours of bettas people in America can get.
you can get some nice bettas in england to have a look at that pm and you can get some on ebay aswell.

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