Heh, only time I went fishing around your area SH I pulled up lots of Flounder and spider crabs. Too bad they're prolly too big for your tank
- Lophelia pertusa, found at great depth
email sent to Marine Sciences Chairman at local University Center said:Hi Dr. XXX....I am a year old physician here on Long Island and an 'XX alumnus of XXX and founder of the Lacrosse program there. I hope you can direct my email to either a student or interested faculty member. I am a moderator on a large fish forum and I am interested in starting a marine tank with a local biotope if possible, i.e. , a coldwater marine tank with locals from Long Island. I don't want to violate any collection restrictions or violate any state or federal laws. Do you know of any students or faculty on your staff who could point me in the right direction re: areas on Long Island to collect specimens that are legal and not threatened? what specimens might do well?
I thank you for your time and consideration.
Chairman said:Dear steelhealr,
Our marine lab manager, Cap'n Ahab, is an expert on how and where to
collect local species. I am copying him on this message. He will respond to
your questions. You can call him at 555-5555.
Mr. Prez, Dean and Director
Marine Sciences Research Center
XXX University