Coldwater Fish Guide?


Jan 14, 2007
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
No guides are posted for common native NA fish? There isn't even a section for them? Why not create one or make goldfish/koi a more general coldfish section?
NA fish are great fish that are overlooked too often. Maybe if they had a guide section they would be more popular in the fish trade. ;)
You mean like divide it like the common livebearers section, with a subforum for common ones and rarer ones? (eg; goldfish/koi & NA fish)
No not a subforum. I want something completely visible from the main guide page, where they stick out. Not stuck under the rug where no one will see!

If you wanted to divide it like that sunfish would be placed in cichlids, bass in oddballs, and minnows in live bearers...
I'd much rather see a section specifically for the many many species of NA fish available to the general public.
Not to be too picky, but this is a tropical fish forum. It's geared more towards tropical fish than coldwater species. There are a few coldwater fish forums out there where it might be better to go looking for such information.
Yes its more tropical orientated but thats because no one really has taken the time to let the coldwater side develop. If I get some articles on different types of fish then I can add them. So if anyone wants to write something up then feel free to do so so and send me it.

Anything else like pond set ups and how to's I'd like to see as well.

And also fish you can keep here in the UK other than your normal goldfish.

If doing a list of any native fish then please add tank requirements, temp etc and anything else relevant. Try to do fish you have experience with and not take too much from the net. If you do, please quote all sources.
I haven't had too much experience with natives in many years, although I kept a bluegill as a kid. I do however know a lot of specific requirements for native fish so I should be able to write something up sooner or later (vacation tommorow woo!)
ive kept many of australias native fish in my life Eg: murray cod, silver perch, golden perch, australian bass but ive never kept a grunter or saratoga (jardini) they were interesting fish but they are very aggresive
I am in the process of coming up with a coldwater design but for saltwater. Feel free to design or write up a guide and, if good with the mods, it can be pinned. SH
coldwater fish:
goldfish and koi
coldwater and NA fish (natives and fish like medakas)
DIY pond features
might have some faults in it only small

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