Cold Water Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
England Plymouth
Hi guys, not been on here in ages, looks all different as well.
Any way... I'm thinking about changing my tank form tropical to cold water.
Will my current tropical media and gravel be ok to use with cold water fish? Is it just a case of take out the heater and put cold water fish in?
How many cold water fish for a 42Gal tank?
And would my bristolnose plecs be ok in cold water?

Cheers Brads
The gravel should be fine. Id advice rinsing 75% of it, so the remaining can be used to 'seed' it.

What type of filtration will you be using?

And for 42G, maybe 6-8. (Dont qoute me on it though)
The gravel should be fine. Id advice rinsing 75% of it, so the remaining can be used to 'seed' it.

What type of filtration will you be using?

And for 42G, maybe 6-8. (Dont qoute me on it though)

I've got a rena xp2 running at the moment, with the foams and rings in it.
Any info on my plecs?

Cheers Brads
Please see my other response in your other topic.

4 Fantails max
2 Common max

Either or, not both.

Bristlenose will NOT appreciate cold water.
At room temperature they might be able to survive, but that means even less fish than before.
Please see my other response in your other topic.

4 Fantails max
2 Common max

Either or, not both.

Bristlenose will NOT appreciate cold water.
At room temperature they might be able to survive, but that means even less fish than before.

Cheers for the info guys
I keep to the rule, 20G for the first goldfish and any goldfish after that 10G each.
So i'd say 4 goldfish.
It seems silly, but they can grow upto 8 inches and they need that space each.
If you don't listen and go with say 9 fish or whatever youll experience problems and your tank will just not be big enough and may stunt their adulthood growth.
I currently keep 3 goldfish in a 125L tank but these goldfish are only under 3" and it's fine as i do alot of water changes.
I keep to the rule, 20G for the first goldfish and any goldfish after that 10G each.
So i'd say 4 goldfish.
It seems silly, but they can grow upto 8 inches and they need that space each.
If you don't listen and go with say 9 fish or whatever youll experience problems and your tank will just not be big enough and may stunt their adulthood growth.
I currently keep 3 goldfish in a 125L tank but these goldfish are only under 3" and it's fine as i do alot of water changes.

Hate to blow a bubble here but Commons can quite easily reach 36cm so thats about 14-15 inches.

Fantails only reach about 20cm (Ha only..) which is about 8 inches.
I was talking about fany goldfish.
On another forum we went by the rule 20g for the first fish and 10g for every other fish, in order to keep the fish happy :)
For commons on the other forum, we go by 80l per common goldfish.

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