Cold Temp For Betta


Mostly New Member
Oct 30, 2013
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I have betta fish in 10 inches bowl,what will i do n winter when temperature dips to about 0-5 degree celcius outside.Can something be done for the fish in bowl?What is the best food for growth & color of the Betta fish?
First off, a betta should be kept in a heated and filtered environment. While pet stores will sell them in those tiny little cups it is recommended that they be housed in 3+ gallons, I personally keep mine in an 8 gallon but even a 5G would do. If you insist on keeping him in that tiny bowl however, most places now carry tiny fish bowl heaters. Bettas like warmer water and their colors are generally are better when they are happier.
Of possible move the betta into a larger tank and go buy a heater for the betta.
What are the other fish?
What size is the tank you're thinking of moving him into?
For the topic title alone, NO.

Regardless of generations of captive-breeding, bettas will remain a tropical fish and with that must have water at room temp.(24 degrees Celsius) or higher.

To answer your last question, yes they can mixed with other fish but make sure the fishes that you're mixing the betta in must be slightly smaller than the betta, are fast-swimming and must not be nippy (e.g. tiger barbs, rosy barbs, etc.)
I have Karps ,Gold,Angel & Dollar in that 85 lt aquarium.Small bowl heater is not available here
No, bettas can't be mixed with those and i'm sure everyone here would agree.

Medium-sized carps can easily swallow a betta. Goldfish can be bullies at times and my nip your betta's fins. Angelfish are territorial but can be tolerant of other tankmates. The same goes for silver dollars
For the time being I'm keeping that in bowl.Will try to move it to some tank later with compatible fish.

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