coffee table fish tank

funny that, as I was going to get one that ended yesterday for £285!! The guy selling that one wants £650 for it.
The 2 biggest problems I see with them are that you can't keep tropicals as the water would evaporate and ruin the effect by leaving condensation on the underside of the table lid, and the other is that as a coffee table, you are going to be putting cups, keys etc on it which will make a noise, and stress the fish.
Other than that, it would make a stunning piece of furniture though!! :D
Hmmmmm, I really like them, but you are right about the noises, although my fish in my 30 gallon don't seem to mind me puting my cup on their lid all the time :*) I made the hood myself out of wood! :look: Wood does absorb more noise then glass does though!!!

Only if there was a way.......maybe a shock/noise absorbant top on it that isn't see through. That way you wouldn't see the condensation and ......Well, maybe that wouldn't work!

No worries though, I would never buy one!
It does say there are shock absorbers under the top glass. I would be interested to see if they actually do dampen the noise. If it didnt stress the fish out it would be very cool.
i would think noise wouldn't be much of a concern...look at the world wild fish live in... might seem quiet to us,but think of all the water traffic etc....
I think they're really cool and unsual and have wanted one for a long time. But, that kind of furniture is just not practical since I have a little one running around the house!
I really like it, but I don't think you could put tropicals on it...If I was going to get it I would put dividers on it and make it a betta coffee table tank.... :D . I'm surprise I haven't seen it on shows like MTV Cribs with any celebs....I saw a show with wyclef and He has a shark tank on his Hummer......why??????
Tropjunky said:
why do people evan think about it. it's anouther way to be cruel to fish. WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN
I don't think 68 gallons is cruel to any fish. Thats bigger than any of the tanks I have. And since the tank portion is isolated from the sound of cups on the top I don't think it'd be cruel.
Its rather attractive, yet I dont believe I would even consider of risking a fishes life in that thing. I would just put plants in it :D
hmm. Could add cloth on top to provide more queit and hide condensation. Anyway, end table or the clock one might be nice. Still don't understand how you would clean or feed fish or filter in ANY of those types, but I like them.

strange thought here----- could be possible maybe. I'd like a built in tank in my motorhome. Built special to allow strong glass and noise reduction yet let me have fish on the road with me, too bad I don't have this figured out yet before I move. lol. Not certain if it would be possible, but would sure be cool. Think of singers taking their pet fish with them on tour. lol
I dont see the problem with the table. It says it has acrylic between two sheets of glass to absorb noise and fish in a tank will have noise, movement aroun them anyway. I would love one of those tables. too expensive, unfortunately. I expect teh top can be removed to clean it and it has a filter and the owner also says, SUITABLE FOR COLDWATER FISH. It would be just as easy to get a coldwater tank and buy the wrong fish. thats what you have lfs for!
You ever seen your fish "jump" when something jumps out and suprises them? (I'm thinking sometimes when my 2.5yr old runs past rather close).

Well those little fellas are going to be at ground level, with legs and god knows what flying past, and to them.... house size objects flying down and stopping just above the water!

I think noise is just one of many concerns.

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