cockatoo cichlids dying now


New Member
Nov 5, 2003
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I have 2 dwarf cockatoo cichlids since sunday, i put them into a 10 gallon cycled but empty tank.....water tests all fine......i noticed there were bits of like a cotton wool fungas on the plastic plants and moss balls also on some bits of uneaten food, so ive just thoroughly cleaned the tank removing the plants etc and with my net scooped out these horrible floaty things, i also put in a fungal treatment,
within minutes my male fish is floating listlessy :sad: and the female doesnt look much better they arent quite dead yet tho, ive turned off the tank lights and hope they gonna recover but i think itll need a miracle,

is there anythin else i can do??

do you think i stressed them?

there was no signs of fungas on the fish just on the plants etc
Too late for him :no: :sad:

female is hangin in there tho,
i dont know whether to leave her in there (if its stress)
or move her into the big tank (if its the treatment causin it)

anbody any suggestions?? quick if poss before its too late
The fish were fine before adding med.? only like this after?
If so, I'd run some carbon to clear it out
Yeah they were totally fine before i added the med.. i was just worried about that cotton wool like stuff, wish id left it now tho :(
Sorry for your losses but cockatto dwarfs do not handle medications well at all, they are highly sensative to water conditions and adding the med would have been like pouring poison into the tank. I have had many A.cacatuoides and the result is always the same, even the most minor of problems and the fish either dies from the ailment or the medication to cure it kills them. If you decide to keep them again then remember that they need to be treated in much the same way as discus or FW rays both of which are similar in their sensativity to water conditions and meds.
Thanks for your replies :)
1 fish is still alive tho shes chillin in the plant pot.
shall i leave her in there tho with the med?
or transfer her into the other tank?
what do you suggest?
Leave her where she is but do a 50% water change to dilute the medication to a less dangerous level, as it happens the females do tend to be the hardier ones so there may be hope for her yet.
Ive already done a 30% water change today tho before i put the med if i do another 50% wont that cause the tank to do a mini cycle?

sorry if im being stupid
I would do a 20% water change, doing more than 20% for any reason other than an emergency is risky IMHO. Add some carbon to remove the meds which werent needed in the first place. If the fungus is not on the actual fish, there is no need to treat, just remove the affected food etc or clean the decor. As mentioned by CFC, Apistogramma in general do not tolerate any meds at all, and while breeding them I turned to other methods of prevention and cure such as regular water changes and at the first sign of trouble, I would raise the temp to around 28C or up to 30C. I would also increase aeration and switch off tank lights. Do not feed while the fish is in distress.
The carbon should remove the meds in less than 24 hours so its the first step, a good gravel clean and 10% daily water changes are next.
Did you notice any stringy/pale poo from the fish? This is usually a sign of internal problems like bacteria and parasites that I find hybrid cockatoos are prone to.
These are wondeful little fish so dont let this little mishap put you off them, just think of it as valuable expierience on the road to healthier fishkeeping!

Good Luck,

Thanks everyone
Im really gutted as they were fine before i "meddled" :(
Ill get the carbon tomorrow, ive added an air stone and done a 20% water change
just hope itll be enough to save her but its not lookin good.

Ken......there was no signs of any stringy poo or anything else untowards just the cotton woolly floaty bits in the tank, I was just so scared of losing them to fungas.

fingers crossed she makes it and thanks again

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