

Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
I seem to have something that looks like cobwebs on my LR, really thin fine white stringy stuff. Any idea? Or do I have a spider in my tank :crazy: Please dont tell me theres a reef spider I may just get rid as I hate them haha! :D

Also noticed a very tiny bug on my zoa, how do I know if it is a pest? It ran up and down its stem but the zoas head was still open!
i think its a type of tube wom that does that to catch food..
cheeky g*t haha! so I don't need to worry about it? There was one going from my sand to the front glass, it had loads of sand at the bottom of the line, looked really weird!
yeh it should be fine if it is a tube worm. When you get fish it wont do it as much!
Ah ok! I have been adding frozen foods just to keep the system topping over, was using a pipette and putting it near my corals last night just in case they would eat haha! The brittle stars came out then, scared me lol. The chalice had its tentacle thingys grabbing the bits :D
I seem to have something that looks like cobwebs on my LR, really thin fine white stringy stuff. Any idea? Or do I have a spider in my tank :crazy: Please dont tell me theres a reef spider I may just get rid as I hate them haha! :D

Also noticed a very tiny bug on my zoa, how do I know if it is a pest? It ran up and down its stem but the zoas head was still open!
do they look like blond hairs, i have those and its amazing how quickly they realise there has been a disturbance to the tank, coming out catching stuff thats been disturbed from the bottom, they seem to live in little hard tubes growing on the rock and some just come straight out of the rock. or you could also have a marine tarantula duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuh :ninja:
there are lots of very tiny buglike critters running across my LR, i wouldn't worry too much, the spider will eat em :lol:
i was told they can be some kind of snail?

and also if it isnt a ceopod on the zoas do a freshwater dip, that should get it off
Have you got feather dusters as they do this they reproduce this way so it's sperm and eggs basically :good:
yuk thanks bae! TBh not seen and dusters, apart from the aip I wasnt sure what it was so it died haha!
There are tiny hard tubes all overthe rock but never seen anything in them, they are really small.
I never see anything with the red torch, not much happens at night in my tank!

I am going to do an RO dip Fishy today on the zoa just in case! :D
i was told they can be some kind of snail?

Sounds like you're referring to Vermetid snails - they make stationary, coiled shells similar to tube worms and feed with mucous nets. That may or may not be what is the culprit here, as there are worms and other creatures that leave slimey stuff around that can look similar.
Oh Donya, I was just looking at my LR and noticed a curly clear thing sat on the rock. But also noticed these 'lines' started from the little tubes in the LR? I am guessing that none of this is anything to be worried about though?
+1 on the vermatid snail. I have one in my tank and he makes a right mess.
Where can I see a pic of this snail? google images doesnt give me much? I do have one snail from my LR that I saw on the first day but haven't seen since I dont know what he is,r:3,s:0,r:3,s:0

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