
dont disconnect it, as far as i know the ph swings you will get from disconnecting the c02 injection and night and returning it in the morning is a no no for the fishies. C02 wont displace the oxygen in the tank dont worry. Just make sure your c02 levels dont go wayyy to high. :) somebody correct me if im wrong :)

and btw i read somewhere in the net that its ok to use HOB filters as C02 diffusers as long as you fill your tank near the brim of the hob filter so that it doesnt splash too much. Actually i read that they are quite good c02 diffusers. im not really sure because i havent tries it yet with my HOB. somebody correct me if im wrong :)
My reactors run all the time. Some people get concerned that their fish will suffocate if they run their CO2 all the time, but I've never had a problem. If the O2 levels get that low at night, it would seem to me that the tank must be horribly overstocked to start with.

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