Co2 Set-up Help Needed

The article I couldn't find that I referred to earlier is here:

I forgot to add on my last post that I sourced some of these nipples at Galaxy Models here in the UK.
Tel: 01473 729279
Can't remember the exact price, less than £2, more than £1 I think. Not itemised on their site, so you'll have to phone them and ask for pressure nipples, ra2004 they quoted, which might be a stock number.

Although to be honest the small whole method is so spot on that the nipples are a waste of money, imho. Just have to hold the tops and twist the bottles to dismantle it, instead of unplugging the tubing. Also two nipples to a lid is going to be a struggle, if you want a bubble counter.

Your tank is 56 USFG. You will have a very difficult time maintaining any kind of consistent CO2 level in that size tank using DIY Co2. You should start investigating the pressurized alternative.
Your tank is 56 USFG. You will have a very difficult time maintaining any kind of consistent CO2 level in that size tank using DIY Co2. You should start investigating the pressurized alternative.

Ok if you've got the cash to blow on such a system. Looks like a few hundred quid to set up, then at least £10 a month to run on CO2. No thanks.
I use 2 Nutrafins and a 2 Ltr DIY (thought try it before spending another sum on a Nutrafin when all I wanted was the cannister.

With mine I used a bradawl to poke a hole in the lid, then turned it to make it a little bigger, then used a philp screwdriver to widen the hole both sides until I could get a straight hose connector to go through it.

Then I took the hoseconnector out and put it through a 6mm washer and then back into the hole.

I found a nut that was the right size to screw onto the hose connector on the inside of the lid, then used sealant on the outside totally encasing the washer.

Left it 2 days and hey presto, works a treat and easy to just disconnect the hose when wanting to refill.


Didn't find this until afterwards. lol, then again if youre DIYing then you dont really want to buy anything apart from sugar and yeast

I would also discard the T piece connector in favour of a gang Stop Valve (£1.29 from Pets at home) which means that when you want to change you can close the valve on the bottle you want to change (It has 2 knobs, 1 for each hose going in)

This way you won't lose the pressure from the bottle you aren't changing.

Also you'll notice that when you disconect your T-piece you get ssssssssssssss and also all the froth in the bottles disappears. This means that the one that you are keeping has to start again from scratch with old mix in it.

If you were using 4 coke bottles you could buy to and link the outlets to a T-Piece as you would be controlling the flow of air with the gang valve.

If you forget to open the valve again and the pressure builds up then the hose just comes off the valve and as you forgot to open the valve the pressure is still maintained.

Just fitted the Rhinox 2000 diffuser.

Is it bad practise to place the diffuser so the bubbles go into the external filter's intake? Also is it ok to leave the CO2 running when the lights are off? What do other DIYers do at night when the lights go out? :)
Just fitted the Rhinox 2000 diffuser.

Is it bad practise to place the diffuser so the bubbles go into the external filter's intake? Also is it ok to leave the CO2 running when the lights are off? What do other DIYers do at night when the lights go out? :)

where did u buy your defuser from i'm llooking to buy one !
One of the articles I read mentioned using metal airline nipples to fasten the airline pipe securely to the bottles. I can't find the webpage, but it was a US site I think.
Anyone know where I can buy these nipples, or plastic ones, here in the UK?

Try these for airline nipples:

But as said earlier, on a tank that size you'll have a hard time keep the CO2 levels constant, which can lead to algae problems such as BBA. You'd be much better off thinking about getting a pressurised system when you can. There are cheaper ways of doing this, such as using a CO2 fire extinguisher.
What is the relationship between the size of the tank, and whether or not the supply of CO2 is 'constant' or not. I would have thought the DIY method either works or it doesn't, regardless of tank size, and is more a question of quantities?
There are always Rhinox 1k 2k and 5k on ebay . Not always on Uk ebay but they are coming from Aquatic Magic in Malaysia so if you search US ebay as well the postage is only the same. I got my 2k for £4+£3postage and also a GambaXII bubble counter and NRV for £4 + extra £1.50 postage both from the american site.

Never be limited to UK ebay.

Aquatic Magic seems to be hitting the right notes at the mo. Selling some very interesting plants and equipment, good quality, good prices 10 days is not a long time to wait.

It is more about quantity, getting the amount of CO2 needed in a tank your size and keeping it constant will be hard and time consuming. You'll probably end up having to run 4+ bottles to get it working well, changing 2 each week. It'll soon become a chore that you'll get bored of and find having a pressurised system a lot simpler and giving better results.

Good luck to you if you can get it working using DIY, keep us informed. You will find that the type of yeast you use can also affect the CO2 output. The yeast made for making wine is better than normal bread yeast as it can tollerate higher alcohol levels which is what will eventually kill off the yeast and slow down the CO2 output. This means it'll go on producing CO2 for longer, possibly helping it to stay more stable.

It's not that expensive, i got 20 small packets from ebay for £5, 1 packing lasting for maybe 10 refills.

What is the relationship between the size of the tank, and whether or not the supply of CO2 is 'constant' or not. I would have thought the DIY method either works or it doesn't, regardless of tank size, and is more a question of quantities?
I used to brew my own beer years ago, the real way with a mash tun and malted barley, not from kits. Also the odd batch of wine, so I'm no stranger to yeasts for brewing. From what I remember, it's champagne yeast that can handle the highest quantity of alcohol before it pegs it. Someone will probably google and come back with all the tables and figures. :)

I'm always open to suggestions, and would love a proper pressurised CO2 system. It's just the money, got too many outgoings already *cough* four kids :). There was mention of fire extinguishers as a cheaper option, so what would the absolute cheapest way to a pressurised set-up be, and what would be the monthly cost for the CO2?


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