Co2 Mixture Fell Over During The Night


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Well I'm currently trying to avert a disaster. I have 9 neons and 2 dwarf puffers in a 60l biorb, at the start of the week my cat must have knocked the 1litre bottle during the night, meaning it was left on it's side for a good 12-14 hours until noticed. By the time I'd picked it up, half the bottle was now in the tank. At that point the water was still crystal clear, but I knew exactly what was coming.
Basically EVERYTHING is now covered in this white snotty substance . I've been doing 50% daily water changes. I've bought cloudy water clearer - that makes the water more clear, but then puts the sludge into bigger clumps... so it's not really helping much. I've removed ornaments and cleaned the sludge off, but the ceramic media/stones/pebbles are a bit trickier (and I don't really want to kill off the bacteria). Now I'm not unsure what to do... all the fish are still alive, so do I just leave it to re-cycle? or attempt to clean as much as I can/throw out the plants? I've tried removing as much slime as I can, but it just reforms 12 hours or so later. I have two other tanks, but they really aren't good to temporarily house the puffers/neons as the one has a goldfish, and the other an adult angelfish!

I'm just gutted, as i put a lot of effort into making sure my fish are happy! :(
Nope, I've checked around but there's nothing.

I have a feeling every time I attempt to clean the gunk or replace the water it's making it even worse, and restarting whatever reaction is occurring
So now i'm going to try to leave it untouched for a few days, perhaps a very small water change every 24 hours.
It's that bad, the filter I've temporarily put in is constantly getting clogged with the stuff. Ugh, this sucks!

I have an unused small ~30 litre tank, so if I took say, 3 buckets of water from my Angelfish tank and filled the rest with treated tap water, would it be okay to put the fish in that? Whilst the BiOrb recovers?

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