Co2 - Just When Tank Lighting Is On?


grumpy old man!
Oct 28, 2005
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Title says it all.. some people turn off thier CO2. Do you leave it running just when the tank lighting is on, or do you leave it running during daylight hours too..

I only run co2 when the tank lights are on, really just to save co2. The plants cant utilise the co2 when there is no light work with.
I also only run co2 during daylight hours. This is a good link

explaining a bit about respiration and the net effect is more co2 during the night, so if you leave your c02 on all the time you'd have much more during the evening which will alter your ph which will effect you fish and plants.

I hope this helps

Hi ya,

I only use C02 for the same period of time as the lights, at night I use airation for three hours just to push a little more oxygen into the water, I'm sure other have other methords,
Ok.. really really daft question now.. if i have pressurized CO2, i can just switch it off. If you use another kit, what do you do? is there a shut off valve that works in the same way?

Ok.. really really daft question now.. if i have pressurized CO2, i can just switch it off. If you use another kit, what do you do? is there a shut off valve that works in the same way?


My system I just turn the solenoid down and you can see from the bubble counter it has stopped for about another £75-£100 you can buy fully automated systems with night time shut off solenoids etc.
I thought a solenoid valve was either on or off, the bit you turn down is the regulator isn't it?

I've got a D&D system where the regulator is attached to a solenoid which in turn connects to the co2 bottle. To stop co2, just put the solenoid on a timer switch and set to switch off over night. If you've already got a pressurised system i would think you can buy just the solenoid from places like;;cPath=194_251


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