Co2, And It's Going Crazy!


Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
I've just install another 2lt bottle for my diy co2. I'm using a Nutrafin ladder with 3/4 yeast and two cups of sugar. The amount of bubbles with 1 bottle was about 27pm, but now with 2 bottles it around 70pm. The co2 was about 11ppm with 27 bubbles, so I'm hoping that with around 70 bubbles it should be about 30ppm. Yes, I know it doesn't always work that way, but I am concerned about overdosing the co2.

How long do I have to leave it, after lights out, before I can test the co2? :/
Hey Dave,

I have a 72 Gallon and I use 1 teaspoon of yeast , 1 cup of suger and a teaspoon of baking soda, my CO2 stays between 30-35 ppm. I'm not sure if the baking soda is making the difference but for some reason one 2 liter bottle is more than enough on this tank. I leave it hooked to my filter intake 24/7. I can hear the bubbles when they enter the filter and I'm getting about 1 per second or 60pm.

P.S Where the heck is the spellcheck! :lol:
I don't understand, why my co2 levels are so low? :/

I've tested it about 25 mins after lights out and it's at 22ppm.

Surely it should be more? :(
I'm no expert but from what I understand about DIY yeast reactors is the more yeast that you add the faster the output and the more suger you add the more food available for the yeast so th reactor lasts longer. Also the reactor works better in harder water hence the baking soda (Sodium Bi-carbonate). Mabe you should just experiment with your mix until something works for you. Have you ever considered a CO2 injection system?
I don't understand, why my co2 levels are so low? :/

I've tested it about 25 mins after lights out and it's at 22ppm.

Surely it should be more? :(
What is your kH and what is your pH ?
Did you try 1/2 teaspoon of yeast, and 2 cups of sugar? That's usually what is recommended.
For starters, my kH is 6 and pH is 6.9'ish. I have to get a betters ph tester.

I put about 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of bi-carb in. I does work well but not well enough.

I would like a injection system but can't afford it at the moment. I would like to upgrade my lighting and substrate too.

I was thinking, I have the spray bar from the filter just under the water pointing up. It's not a lot, just enough to cause a few riddles. would this disperse th co2 a lot?
22 ppm is good for a planted tank. I wouldn't worry about getting higher than that until you upgrade your lighting. You can get a CO2 system for about $100 US. A good lighting system is alot more than that.
Cheers Tony. I'm just trying to get it as close as I can to 30ppm. I'll have to play with the mix a little bit.

I have the money now for my light upgrade. I'm going to get Interpet T5 compact, 2 X 36watts. That will give me 2.2WPG, which will be enough light for the plants I want to grow.

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