Clowns Not Eating.


Fish Crazy
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomsburg, Pa
I have a pair of percula clowns. Neither of them will eat, this has been going on for about a day now. We recently had an anemone death (poor thing went head first into a power head/blower intake)(Please don't bash me about getting one, my water parameters have been beyond perfect according to the LFS). The anemone spewed out white material during this period, which I was told was its attempt to reproduce before death. I did two heavy water changes and the water has since cleared up but the clowns won't eat.

I am not sure if the clowns have fallen ill due to the anemone dying or if it is something else.
Water Parameters: 8.2pH, ammonia 0.0ppm, nitrite 0.00 ppm, nitrate 10.0ppm, phosphate 0.5ppm. The LFS tested my water for hardness and alkalinity. Hardness was good and alkalinity was high so he recommended calcium to lower it which I have done.

Their only symptom is not eating and being slightly lethargic. I'm not sure what to do.
your params seem fine but I have hadthe same experience with clowns, I cannotexplain why but everyone I have had has gone into decline yet my blenny and gramma look a pictire of health

if you do a search you;ll find a number of similar threads
I have not noticed a film on them, I assume you are thinking Brook. The larger one which I assume is going to be the female is not eating and swimming odd. The smaller one ate some flakes, garlic flavored pellets, and crushed fried dried krill. I scooped out the food the bigger clown should have eaten. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
I'm not sure there is much you can do at this point... the small one wasn't eating and now he is? that's a hopeful sign... Keep an eye on your water parameters and for any additional symptoms. Maybe try some live brine to entice her to eat.
Okay. I will try some of that, my girlfriend attempted to feed them about 2 hours after I did this morning. The little guy went after the food and ate some. She said the female ate 2 or 3 garlic flavored pellets. Is it possible they were above and beyond stressed from the large water changes when the anemone committed suicide?
Larger clown rejected my frozen mysis. She nibbled at a piece but that was it. The little guy is starting to eat like normal. I think it was just stress.
Well both clowns appear to be getting better each day. They are getting more active and eating more. Hopefully they don't get too stressed when I upgrade them to a 20 gallon long with 10 gallon sump. The stand is finally built and I will be starting the journal after I am done staining the wood.
The clowns are back to normal, they eat every couple of hours. I stand is finished, I picked up the pump, tubing, bulkhead, pvc piping. The light is ordered as is the versa glass top. It was a tad chilly in Northeastern Pa today so I will begin staining tomorrow instead of today as I originally hoped for initally. Hopefully both layers go on smoothly then the waterproofing coats on Monday or Tuesday. The system should be up and running this Friday or Saturday.

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