Clowns And Angels

Lee Barnes

New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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Sunny South Florida, USA (Hurricane Country!)
I've had two black & white clowns in my 24 gallon nano for about a year now. One is considerably larger than the other, so I've got a female and a male. My question is, I'd like to add a flame angel or a dwarf bi-color angel, and have been told that my clowns will be very territorial and could kill the angel.

Anyone care to give their 2 cents on this? Thanks
i doubt the clowns would kill them didnt bother mine at all. there usually only aggresive to conspecies i havent seen my black and whites trouble any of my other fish.

i wouldnt get a bi colour there get to large for a 24g there borderline dwarf, a flame would perhaps fit and a year is a nice establised tank. there is a smaller dwarf angel that will fit into a 20g il try and find out its name since ive gone and forgotten!
i dont think youd have a problem with the clowns, but a 24 is too small for a bicolor or flame, you could do a pygmy/cherub angel tho
Just to be safe though.. I think you should give your B/W clowns to me :hey:
cherub angel thats the one i was trying to remember!

ak again trying to get b+w clowns!! :lol:
I was VERY reluctant to order live fish through the internet but got my B&W clowns through because that was the only place I could find them. They were Fedexed to my office, packaged great, I showed everyone at work and then brought them home at lunchtime. Not a single problem with them, healthy as horses. I would order through them again.
I've kept my Black and White Clowns with a Bi-Colour and they were fine together. Unfortunately, the angel constantly harassed our Anthias and Goby to the point that they wouldn't come out of the caves at all. We ended up exchanging it for a Coral Beauty which is completely peaceful and doesn't bother the other fish at all.

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