Clownfish Question


Fish Crazy
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomsburg, Pa
I currently have two tank raised Percula Clownfish in my saltwater tank. I will be adding a golden sleeper over the weekend. I would also like to add a purple psuedochromis in the coming weeks. But my real question is this: can I have a pair of black Percula Clownfish that are also tank raised along with the two "normal" tank raise Percula Clownfish? Will they be too aggressive? I believe the two I have know have already paired together.

My system is currently a 20 gallon long with a 10 gallon sump tank with 96W of light (48W is 10,000k and 48W is actinic), and 20lbs of LR (will be adding more in the coming weeks).
Well that is very disappointing news. I was really looking forward having a pair of black ocellaris and a pair orange percula clowns together
I have a new question and hopefully this doesn't make me sound stupid....Can Ocellaris Clowns mate with Percula Clowns? I am just wondering as I currently have 1 of each in my tank. Here is a picture not that it makes a difference....

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Not the greatest picture, but they both look like ocellaris clowns to me. Black + Orange ocellaris can mate, yes.

Esp. Since an ocellaris + a percula would not get along very well in the same tank.
Well the Black I know is ocellaris but I was told by a LFS owner ,who I do not generally like because he likes to bash other LFS and people who shop there, that the orange one is a tank raised Percula. I have seen multiple debates about Percula's and that true Percula's are straight from the ocean where as fake Percula's are just breed in someone's tank. I have the lights out now so look at the orange guy tomorrow and try to get a better picture for you. Thanks for the help.
I have seen multiple debates about Percula's and that true Percula's are straight from the ocean where as fake Percula's are just breed in someone's tank.

That is untrue... They are two completely different species, albeit difficult to tell apart.
Okay, Thank you Nemo. The orange one was dead when I woke up. I called an complained to the LFS I went to for them but his policy is once it leaves his bag it isn't his responsibility. Parameters pH 8.2-8.3, Ammonia .25, Nitrites 0.0, and Nitrates 5-10 tough to tell. I use an API test kit. I was shocked about the Ammonia level and will be doing an 8 gallon change shortly.
Whoooooa yea. That ammonia level is no good at all! Keep an eye on it after you do the water change...
Any markings on the clown? (ie. battered fins etc.)
Well the tank is in a minicycle from upgrading last weekend but the ammonia shoul be going down with the water changes. Did 4 gallons before work and doing another 4 after work. Plus 5 more gallons on thanksgiving. The black ocellaris looks very good though
Sorry to hear about the loss... but i did want to ask a question here.. Did you notice any aggression issues between the 2 clowns, or physical damage to the one who passed?.. I am hoping to put 1 orange and 1 black Oscellaris in my tank and have found desperately different answers to the question.. everything from NO they will Kill each other to yes its fine.. so mostly just wondering what your experience was... Im not sure how long you had them, but any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately I only had them together for a little of a day. The only aggression I witnessed was during feeding. The black one was a little more dominate. I read that people have had orange ocellaris and black ocellaris get along as long as they are placed in the tank at the same time and are still small so that they are not very territorial. I did not notice and damage to the orange guy when I removed him other than where the snails had attached themselves.

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