Clownfish Problems


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Ive got 2 clownfish one 2inc the other 1inc yesterday i noticed the bigger one had what looked like skin comming off from his head so i kept my eye on him last night and he seemed ok .Today he's just facing up wards all of the time and doesnt seem to know where he is going ive turned the power head off because he was bumping into everthing.All the other fish 2 regal tangs and copperband and the smaller clown fish are all fine.Any help?
When i was feeding themyesterday he had a bit of a rough time with the tangs maybe that then.What should i do just let him die in there or take him out?
Just to say he past away few mins ago, all of the other fish are fine but going to get some treatment for clown fish desease anyway just incase.
don't go buying anything yet.
have the water checked for ammonia and nitrite before you do anything else. If there was ammonia in the water that would cause the fish to produce excess mucous which looks like white slime on the body.

The big clownfish is female, the smaller one is male.

Leave the tank for a month before adding any new fish. Then get a tiny fish to replace the one that died..
don't go buying anything yet.
have the water checked for ammonia and nitrite before you do anything else. If there was ammonia in the water that would cause the fish to produce excess mucous which looks like white slime on the body.

The big clownfish is female, the smaller one is male.

Leave the tank for a month before adding any new fish. Then get a tiny fish to replace the one that died..

Yes will do just done a 25% water change and will go and get the treatment just incase just teasted everything else but as for testing ammonia and nitrite ive ran out so will get new kit later .Just out of intrest i fould another shrimp today a pink one and half an hour after i saw it i then saw all of its skin floating around.?But yes wont be buying anymore fish for a while just yet.
Bought all test kits now just testing atm.The woman in shop said i carnt have any treatment for clown fish desease as ive got live rocks and corals in? So just teasting everthing now will let you know.
Test results are as follows ph 8.0 gravity 1.023 ammonia 0.0 nitrate number2 0.2 number3 5. I right in thinking thats ok?

Just a quick one the woman in the shop told me to move my power head to the top of the tank so it could ripple the water and that might help.? I told her ive got an air stone already and she said i dont need one for a reef tank.?
what is nitrate number 2 or 3?

you can use a powerhead or an airstone to create surface turbulence in the tank. Many people don't like having an airpump running and the bubbles create a lot more salt creep than a powerhead. But any surface turbulence is good.
what is nitrate number 2 or 3?

you can use a powerhead or an airstone to create surface turbulence in the tank. Many people don't like having an airpump running and the bubbles create a lot more salt creep than a powerhead. But any surface turbulence is good.

The nitrate No2= 0.2

nitrate No3 = 5
sorry didn't mean what was the results of nitrate 2 and nitrate 3.
Was curious as to what nitrate 2 was and nitrate 3 was. The test kits I have seen only test for nitrate and don't have different types of nitrate.
No neither did i until i went to the shop yesterday.Anyway the littleclown fish looks to of caught it now but its on his back instead of his front like the other one.But i can not do anything according to the woman in the shop due to the live rock and corals.But to be fair its doesnt seem that bad at all for the little one as its no where near his front so hoppfully he can shake it off.
What size is your tank? Are you the one with the 180 vision, because I was going to say that your tank is a little on the overstocked side; 2x regal tangs and a copperband? For all these fish you are going to need considerably more room.

Yes does sound overstocked.
Maybe the 2 nitrates are infact NITRITE AND NITRATE.. just a thought and if so then there is still some cyling going on in the tank.
Also you should really have some kind of quarantine tank ready to go, just incase of problems as most fish treatments cant be done in a reef tank so the fish should be removed and treated elswhere. Clowns are particually suseptable to stress and really do best being added first. Bully fish like tangs should only be added last once all the other fish have settled and are eating. This way the are strong and healthy and able to get away from the bullies. There should also be lots of hiding places to allow the more timid fish to escape to.
Pic of the tank would be a good point at this stage to give people and idea of what your tank set up & stocking is. That way people can advise better.

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