Clown (or Any Other) Loach Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 7, 2012
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About 6 months ago i had a bit of an algae problem and thought instead of getting a pleco I'd go for 2 apple snails. As I'm sure you're guessing, the main 2 have since died and there's babies/eggs everywhere in my tank. I have done some research and yes I can add in chemicals to get rid of them but i'd much rather not to save the health of my fish. I keep the water topped up as much as possible because I know the have to breed outside of the water but it still doesn't seem to work.
I have also read that loaches will eat the snails thus solving my problem and I know Clown Loaches are the most popular so was thinking of them. Any other types please list for me as I am not the biggest aquarium fanatic.

My other fish include Albino Bristlenose Pleco, Pearl Gouarmi pair, 2 Female Siamese Fighting Fish, 2 Male Guppies and 5 Rummy Nose Tetras. Will the loaches attack any of the fish I already have? Also how many Loaches should I get and what is the best type for eating snails?

Any other help appreciated! Thanks!

Clown Loaches need huge tanks and are very social so need groups. It is generally a bad idea to buy a fish just to solve a problem, especially when the fish may end up not even helping. Those chemicals should not harm the fish in your tank. I would also look at sorting out your stocking (Bettas, Gourami's and Guppies are not the best combination) before adding new fish.
clowns are pretty peacefull although there a schooling fish and should be in groups of 5+, seeing as they grow large as well you need a big tank for them, about 2-300L + (id guess)

id recommend buying assassin snail's, they reproduce much slower than your apples and will take some out , they also burry so you should halrdy see them in the day, ontop of that i think they look nice, if you have the tank for them and the space clowns are good if not i think khulli's are okay at eating.
I thought about Assasin Snails too but yeah they're more snails and kind of back to square one. Is there any other types of fish then that could help or not?
any type of loaches should eat snail's but there requirements might put them out of the question, i can vouch for assassin snail's, i had an infestation of pond snail's and they cleared that up in 1-2 month's and i think iv seen them 3 times in that time
My Kuhli Loaches have never even looked at a snail funny, nevermind tried to eat them. I am also pretty sure Clowns need tanks a fair bit larger than 300 litres (from what I have seen). I gather from what I have read that some loaches my et snails but some may not, it is never a sure thing apparently.
i was guessing at the volume for clowns but i agree its touch and go
Aye, I'm by no means an expert on them myself but I have found myself browsing some Loach forums once or twice before, the size of some tanks is unbelievable!
iv avoided researching from for that fact :L that i know they need large tanks
Clowns need at least a 125 gallon tank ( 450 liters ) for when they get larger, some will say a minimum is 6x2x2 ( 180 gallon, 680 liters ) are more ideal but they dont get that size for years. Yoyos are smaller, maxing out around 5-6 inches and do eat snails, and are more active then Clowns most of the time, or also Zebra loaches ( not Golden Zebra, they go to around 7-8" ). I think most loaches besides for Hillstreams and Khulis will snack on snails for a treat, but as mentioned above its best to not get a large fish just for something like snails. There are various, safe ways to remove them like the chemicals mentioned or simply adding lettuce and in the morning most of the snails should be on or near it

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