Morning All The loaches appear to be improving...

Yep, Not great, but better. They are more active this morning and some....some color is starting to return. Not much, but you can see improvement. I normally do not feed twice a day, but did give them some food this morning, and they ate it right up. The smaller of the two, was the first to come down with this, and still looks the worce...but today I have hope. Last night, to be honest I really thought I would find them passed this morning.... Ah it's a good day.

I talked to a fisher farmer in the area last night. He said that some think that
bulb plants increase the nitrate level of the water. It is slow, but over time can become a real problem. My tank is full of bulb plants...mostly mag. lace. So today, I plan is to remove the plants, and do another change and see what happens. Who knows..maybe he is right. If he is that is great, if not, it didn't hurt anything. I am just about willing to try anything....
What do you guys think of this

? granny