Clown Loaches


New Member
Jul 1, 2003
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Help Please, One of my large clown loaches is turning white. Last night it only had one white spot, but this morning there are several more. Now, not white spots like ick, but these are much larger, and uneven. Both loaches live in a 75 gal community tank. It almost looks like a fungus some some kind. If that is the case, should I remove only him and treat in my sick tank, or do I need to treat the whole tank. It is only this one fish. Could there be another reason for these white place on the loach. Both are over 4 inches and are eating and moving around just find or so it seems. Thank you for any help you may pass my way. Oh now that I sit and study him, the other one seems to have a white haze to him..... ???
My last water change 1/2 tank 3 weeks ago
PH is 7.2,
Nitrite .6
Nitrate 40
water is alittle hard, not bad for my water
alkalinity is moderate
tank mates.....alot, parrot fish (2), african lacy cave cat, congo tatras, 5 high fin, angle wing albino cory cats, Boss--mon--ie (sp??) Jumbo neon tatras, Butter fly fish, 1 rule the roast, full of himself male betta, 3 Procks, and no one new sense Feb. and no one has died in 5 mos. This has been a grand tank. Load of plants, rocks and clay pots. I have a hands off theory, and don't mess with my tank much, once it is up and running.

I use two Emperor 250, and One bubble cascade just to give them something to swin through. Looks nice too.

Oh I did as something new, last week, I added some water fern plants, floating still, have not planted them yet, was waiting until I did the water change dure tomorrow. Thank you granny
Firstly HiYa and :hi: Mouch4Me

Can you give us some more info....tank size, age, water parameters maintenance etc...

We also really need to know the symptoms - you're sure its not ich as clown loaches are particuly susceptable to this? Its possable it could be another protazoan disease...but you think it looks like a fungus?

If your this side of the pond you could try Protozin from waterlife which treats protoazoan diseases as well as fungus so would cover you in the event of misdiagnosis :/


Morning, and Thank you for such a warn welcome. I edited my orginal post to enclud the information you asked for. Yes, I am sure it is not ick... I have ran into that lovely "thing" many times...this is larger, and uneven...... Thank you granny.
I'm not familiar with your filters...

But if you think you might be overstocked then this could be the cause of most of the problems....

In an established set-up with averything working properly you should have zero nitrItes...

You say you did50% wc 3 weeks ago? how often do you do this? IMHO a heavily stocked tank should have a water change every week (say min 20%) - this will also reduce your nitrAtes...

Sorry, it is a 75 gal tank and there is a total of 32 fish including the cats. Largest it the parrots and there are two of them. All fit easily in a 4 inch net.

Water changes at 50% are done every 3 week. I do change filters every mo and clean or change the amo chip once a mo as well. I don't do eveything on the same day. I have to admit the local of the tank is not ideal and doing water changes is a hugh undertaking.

Do you think the nitrates are causing the problem with the clown loaches?

Thank you granny....changing her routine... :)
amo chip? - something to remove ammonia? - in an established tank these shouldn't be necessary as the benificial bacteria change ammonia to nitrIte to nitrAte - though I be reticent to recomend removing it as this would certainly upset the balance of you tank :/

Maybe smaller changes more often would be easier?

NitrItes are highly toxic to fish..... NitrAtes not nearlly so, fish can adapt to high levels of nitrate (though not suddenly - nitrate shock) but this is not ideal - I use to have a high nitrate problem and it is imho that while not direct cause it makes them stressed and more susceptable to other disease and infection....

It would be worth checking nitrAte out the tap (mines at 50-60) if this is low then maybe look at how much you feed - could be over feeding :/
The filter system includes a media cartridges. The water goes though the standard filter with activated carbon, then though the chip, over the bio-wheel and out into the tank. It seems to be a nice system. Until this tank I had always had underground systems.

I will go today and get the water to do another change. I can not use my tap water, it is well water and very hard, very very hard. So I use distilled. Maybe I'll go by and see if I can get an underground for this tank too...... :D

So you think that is the cause for the loaches problem???? Should I treat them? or just do the water change.

Thank you granny
Actually I'd wait for some more suggestions....

There are some members from your side of the pond who use well water - they might have some better ideas... - maybe store some with some peat in it untill ready to use :/

I didn't realise that you are using distilled water I'd imagaine that this can get pretty expensive for water changes. Also pretty pure (compareable to RO?) so has it got enough mineral content? - do you add anything to it?

I also noticed you use activated carbon - this only has a useful life of 4-6 weeks at which time it should be removed as it can then start leaching what its removed back into the water...

I don't think another water change would hurt - should help reduce Nitrate

...and in my experience protozan diseases or fungus is unlikly to go away without a bit of help.

I'd wait for some recomendations from someone your side who's familiar with your set-up and the meds you can get over there...

i recomend giving the fish a salt bath to get rid of the white fungal growth and isolating it from the others this is the short term fix long term you may need to worry about the chem of the water in the tank and other things.
:/ Here is what I did this afternoon. I did a water change with 1/2 distilled and 1/2 filtered well water. I live on a coral rock ridge, so the water has to be filtered to take out all the lime. Awful water....but nice place to live. Anyway, I have removed the loaches from the big tank and put them in a 20 long tank. They are not too happy, but they have to deal with it. I did add some salt, but most likely not enough. 1/2 tea per gal???? Should I raise the temp, it is now 76?

I am getting alittle more concerned the other fish don't seem to be swiming around much, just hanging out.....don't think I like the looks of this. I don't understand. This tank has had no problems for 7 mos.....Something has changed, I just don't know what it is. Thank you so much for your help....granny
Just goin' on the 'looks like fungus' bit....could be columnaris?
Any of those fish new additions? :unsure:
Hi all, and Thank you, Yes, my Nitrate always has been around .5, but according to my strips, that is in the safe zone.

Today I replace all my filters, and did another change. The fish are more active today, gut still the Nitrate are high...I am thinking about taking the tank down, and redoing it. I hate this because the fish are so big, and the amount of water I'll need to do it. But I don't know what else to do. What about using Cycle or something like that? Do you think there would be a bounce back effect from using those products. Could the plants, for some strange reason be making the Nitrates go up????

None of the other fish seem to have any problems. I have found no other fish with the white appearance. No new fish have been added for mos. Nor have I changed their food.

The loaches are getting worce. The white "stuff" is now covering them. Everything I have read warns me not to use on loaches.... I have them in a 20gl long and they are eating. But not happy. I did had salt, how long should it be, before I see any change??? I am getting very worried...they look awful.

I thought I was doing the right things with this tank...I guess not... :S Thank you for all you help...would really like to save these babies.

Ya know you spend some much time and effort keeping these tanks, and making sure everyone has a nice home and are happy. Kinda hurts when something goes wrong, and you don't understand why or what is causing it.

Thank you for your kindness....granny

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