Clown Loaches

sylvia said:

My reasoning behind this is that if you don't know where you'll be or what you'll have in the future you cannot plan for an upgrade or ensure the loaches' futures. Even if you think you'll have a suitable tank, you never know what might come up. I'm personaly completely against keeping any fish in an inadequately sized tank unless you already own the tank it will move into. Even though the fish is small now, it isn't fare to put it in a tank that won't be large enough for it at maturity only to find that a few years down the road you can no longer keep it resposibly. Re-homing a 10" clown loach is difficult to say the least.
well do u know where you'll be in 10 years? Your tank may spring a big leak tomorrow or your house may collapse. Also i know someone who could take it in or rehome it even if it is 10"
I have 3 clown loaches in my 55 doing fine.
One thing you need to know is that there will be no breeding in that tank, loaches will take care of all the eggs.
They will also outrun everybody for food and they have HUGE appetite, but are fish with personalities. Also, if you have snails, they will be no more. This is their treat.
From 1.5 inch it will take some 4-5 years before they outgrow 55g. My biggest is about 4 inches now, took 2 years and he (she) eats like a pig.
Once too big, I do not think you will have any problems selling it back to LFS and getting new batch. They are very expensive when they are 7-8 inch long.
Yea dont listen to these people who want to make every excuse in the world so that you dont get the fish. I mean the point of the tank is to have the fish you like in it, and clown loaches are fine in a 50 gallon theres no question. You dont need to plan 10 years a head thats ridiculous. I had 4 1 foot long fishes in my 55 a while back and they did fine and there still living today in my cousins bigger tank but they were that big in mine for 6 months or so. So unless its a friggen 1 footlong fish when you buy it, jus buy it.
No, do listen to these people, you ought to if you want a rounded opinion.

The final decision is yours, you can keep clown loaches for a good while in your tank, you just have to be aware that it might not be possible in the long run.

The whole point of a tank is not just to put any fish you like in it, you have to consider the fishes needs if you have any sense of responsibilty.

You obviously do otherwise you wouldnt have posted this thread. ;)
yeah. I know that the loaches will outgrow the tank eventually but i wanted to make sure that they are slow growers and i will have some time to find a new tank or set up a deal with an owner or my LFS. Also if i put any fish i liked in there i probly wouldnt have much of a tank anymore would i? I dont plan on getting them till mid january. Gotta cycle my tank and get the filter going and all that. Thx for everyones help! :hooray:

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