Clown Loaches?

Dorsal said:
Hmmm.... This is a worry. I have four in a 300 litre -_- :blink: :crazy:
Says in your signature that your tank is 50 gallons? 50US gallons is only 190l and 50UK is still only 225l.

Have you got your sizes mixed up? To get your tank in litres take the length, height and width in cm multiply them together and divide the answer by 1000.

Hope this helps.
thanks for all the info, and now i think i am going to buy 3 of them for my 50 gallon tank and keep them in their untill they get too big.


What are so good fish mates with them? i am really thinking about getting 8 tiger barbs def and???? (THIS IS WHERE U COME IN)

would a red tailed shark be ok?

how about a 3 ottos and a pleco? do plecos stop eating algae after a while?

also what about a school of tetras? :huh:
I have 3 in a 55 gallon. I got them about 6 months ago, and they were all 1" now they are maybe 1.5" they grow slowly!

What about a school of red eye tetras. They look neat and contrast with the clowns nicely.
NDIrish7 said:
do plecos stop eating algae after a while?
Many plecs never eat algae!! Otos do. I wouldn't advise a bigger species of plec as you may be crowding the bottom. I think barbs are fine with clown loaches, clowns are known to school with them.

Not sure about a RTBS I know they are aggressive and clown loaches are not far off their shape. I'd say you'd need more otos as they are schooling fish.

Not sure about tetra. Depends on what kind but neons and cardinals should not be added to a new set-up.
alright then, 5 otots it is with 3 clown loaches, 8 tiger barbs, WHAT ELSE EVERYONE!?!??!?! :D
Dorsal I'm sure they will be fine if you don't overstock the tank too much. I don't know all of the species in your signature so i couldn't comment.

Thanks Cheese and everybody :)

According to that calculator, the tank is 283.17 litres, or 74.81 us gallons, or 62 uk gallons :)

What do we think now?? I've been reading that in captivity they don't usually reach their full length. I am certainly happy with the stocking level now :)
The main reason they never reach full length is because they rarely are in aquariums large enough to allow for it. They don't actually stunt but sort of slow down their growth rate.

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