Clown Loaches?

55-75 gallons, but you can gradually increase from like a 35 gallon as they grow bigger if you have the money.
Eventually a 75 minimum but 100 would be better and give them growth room. They can reach a foot in length under the right conditions.
They DO take a long time to grow....I have had 6 of them in for almost 2 years...and they were 1" when I bought them and 4-5" now...more like 4" (I just like to think my fish are bigger than they really are :p )

3 or 4 of them at regular sale size (1-2") would do well in a 33-55 for a few years in my opinion, after that, of course, you will need a bigger tank to accommodate their size....but also, of course, try to get at least 3 of them....they are VERY social fish. :thumbs:
as stated they do grow to around the 1' mark, but slowly, so you could get away with the tanks FM mentioned while they were young, then you would need to up-grade
I can highly reccomend the little buggers. I get such a kick outta watching them.
I so want them myself but with only a 30 gallon to use, and both occupied already with incompatible fish or too many, I am holding off until I have the appropriate aquarium.
It's a little bit like watching a drunken circus midget. They do goofy things. The other day they were litterally trying to eat the flak food right OUT of my gouramis mouth. The gouramis would take a large flake and be trying to suck it down the loach would lay on top of it and munch the flake. They're really very amusing fish.
Teelie said:
So I've seen and heard. They are called Clowns for a reason. :D
when clowns sleep is really the scary part for a fish keeper. They sometimes will sleep on their side or belly up. The other day one if mine floated himself upside down into a corner near my filter but he was still in the water. Seemed like he made himself boyant and just stayed there. I thought he was ill but he saw me woke up and swam off like nothing ever happened.
One of mine was digging in the gravel the other day, and he was literally picking up one bit in his mouth, then carefully placing it to the side, then going back to repeat. I sat there watching him do this for about 10 mins!!!!
Absolutely brilliant fish. They do take a while to come out of their shells though. for the first 2 months, mine hid and wouldn't come out for anything (it had me quite worried actually). Now they will literally come and eat the bloodworm from my hand when I put it in the tank!!!!!
Clown Loaches are one of the fish i would really love but can't house at all in my 60L tank :(

All of you with bigger tanks are so lucky!

I have 4 and I am worried that my 320l is not going to be big enough for them. The biggest is 4" and the smallest 1 1/2".

They are funny creatures. Mine have recently taking to try and eat the suckers attaching the pipes from the filter on the glass. I wondered what all the clicking was about as they hadn't been fed and looked up to find them all around the sucker.


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