LOLOL,,, hide , hide, hide. LOLOL,,, sorry it sounded funny.
how long you had them now? Sounds like they are up to their normal fish behavior. liein gon side, hiding.....

Even though common mostr brake thgis cycle and venture out more and more.
As long as they are not stressed this is a good. thye will eventually come out more and more.
they will eat blood worms but I would ONLY feed them in moderation not regularly. They will also eat the brine and will love you for it. See thats what it is you already got them spoiled.

Uneaten Brine tends to drift around for awhile untill a fish spots it / smells it. Even though you don't see the clowns rest assure they have a REALLY good sense of smell. And even though you don't see them they are getting their share .
I found some prefer the evening hours to venture out others just venture period, some are shy , shy. Only time will tell though. Keep in mind this is still a fairly new tank / home for them.