clown loaches

thats nz$ i think that one pound = 3 nz$ anyway how do i make those things come out????
Hey, pal, you don't "make them come out". If they are alive, leave them be. What are you feeding them?
If their colors are still bright and their tummies rounded they are eating. Clowns can be very seclusive little fish. Though they do tend to get less bashfull once they feel more at home some still prefer to be seclusive.

As mentioned above by previous member they do and will scavenger around ibn the gravel. They will use there snout and sift around behind caves, plants, and hidding places. Most times this alone makes tehm feel at home and they just chill. I have had some really laid back ones that hide most times and others that are just attention hogs.

Give them time as long as they are chubby and colorfull they are NOT under stress and will do just fine as far as health. Now, slowly but surely they will come out more and more. Depending on there tank mates of course.

Do you have any snails of can you get some snails for them ? If so plop a handfull in the tank and sit back. they will be out like wild cats in the night. LOLOLOL I keep snails in most tanks due to the amount of fish i keep that eat / need snails in there diet.

With the clowns I can't keep snails in the tank cause they chow down over night and they are all gone by morning of course. LOL So I just dump a handfull in the tank every couple of days. It's like they know the routine and or smell them as well. They come darting out from the woodwork for their tasty snail treats.

as long as you are feedign the tank enough food but not over feeding the clowns will get a bite of what hits the bottom. If / As they get boulder they will even come to the surface for food ( SOME will )

hope this helps,
i feed my other fish brine shrimp. flakes, bloodworms, tropical tablets and shrimp pellets. i dont have any snails in any of my tanks, well like one or two, when i see one i just put it in the big tank to feed the loaches. the 2 clowns dont seem to be stress they just lie on the side in the flower pot under the cave 24/7. and also i can never see their tummys cos their hiding all the time....
LOLOL,,, hide , hide, hide. LOLOL,,, sorry it sounded funny.

how long you had them now? Sounds like they are up to their normal fish behavior. liein gon side, hiding..... ;) Even though common mostr brake thgis cycle and venture out more and more.
As long as they are not stressed this is a good. thye will eventually come out more and more.

they will eat blood worms but I would ONLY feed them in moderation not regularly. They will also eat the brine and will love you for it. See thats what it is you already got them spoiled. :lol: :D :lol: .

Uneaten Brine tends to drift around for awhile untill a fish spots it / smells it. Even though you don't see the clowns rest assure they have a REALLY good sense of smell. And even though you don't see them they are getting their share .

I found some prefer the evening hours to venture out others just venture period, some are shy , shy. Only time will tell though. Keep in mind this is still a fairly new tank / home for them.

thanks danny

ive had them for 2 weeks, everytime i feed bloodworms or brineshrimp my fat gouramis and rams will eat it all before its get 1/10 of the way down the bottom of the are the clowns gonna get even some juice?
well as i said before they havent lost any colour and read my "moving fish" post in the other forum. even though the water conditoins are so bad none of my fish seem stressed so ive decided not to move them.
I've got three Clowns, tend to feed them Frozen Bloodworm and Sinking tablets. With the bloodworms I let the capsules melt while I evenly distribute the worms across the tank, that way all my fish get some.
Sometimes I'll let a large clump of the worms drop to where the Clowns hide, or if my Tetras are feeling a bit greedy I'll break a bit off to tempt them away.

They are bizarre fish at times but extremly good fun to watch. Took mine a good month to settle in, and even now they're a bit timid, but regularly come out when they need feeding :D

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