clown loaches


Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2002
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hello, i have just got 2 clown loaches in a 46 gallon. about 2-3inch each but they are hiding most of the time is this normal at the start? and will they eat off the surface of the tank? what do u guys feed them? i thought they were very active and joyful to watch
Give them some time to adjust to their new home!!

I have a large group of these and they have just now started to eat off the surface. I have had them several weeks at least!!

They are somewhat shy at the start, but once they get to feeling comfortable they will be out and about.

Maybe try adding one more as they really do better in larger groups as this makes them more comfortable. (I am not saying two won't work though)

What else is in the tank (fish wise) with them?

2 gold 2 pearl gouramis (medium sized) 2 bronze cats
btw the 2 clowns are hiding under the heater and ther are lots of places to hide in. and one more question, are the nocturnal?
as cm says just give them time to settle in, when i got my 2 they hid for a while , then after say a week they started to come out, there always out and about now, once they settle you will see them feeding at the top,
put in some of the food tabs for bottom feeders, maybe at night when you put out the tank lights, oh and don't get alarmed if you ever see them lying upside down or on there side because they are very good at playing dead,
:rolleyes: oh and make sure you keep the water in good condition,as they are suseptable to ich, and do not do well in bad water conditions,
Mine for the most part are kinda on the skitish side. They did take awhile to ajust and did seem happier when I added more. As mentioned by CM they do prefer to be in groups. Sometimes, some are just more laid back and prefer to coma out during the later part of the day or when lites go or are going out.

Keeping them in groups of at least more than one should really help though. but keep in mind they may still take while to feel comfortable enough to venture around there new home. there tank mates don't sound they should be a problem. IMO

Good Luck,
i no peeps say to keep them in groups, but i have to say that the 2 i have get along just great, and are very active all of the time, i'm not saying that
you should'nt add more just saying how it is with them in my tank, :rolleyes: had to say that danny :)
We have three young ones. The first day we got them, they swam up and down the tank (top to bottom) like things possessed! After a few days they calmed down and now are out all of the time. They are usually in a 'pair and a spare' combination. The one on it's own likes it's own company, but sometimes joins the other two for a nap on the heater. :santa:
thanks for all replies.

my clown loaches have hid themselves in the gravel under the driftwood for about 5 hours then i lifted the driftwood and it swam away, after about 30seconds later i came back to see it and it was udner the driftwood again ;) hope theyll come out in a few days.
slt, you keep 2 together ? thats why......

Yes, some prefer to be solo but in MOST cases just having the company of another is good. NOT all are the same though as we mentioned prior. Some are schoolers and some prefer the solo life.
Same goes for the temperment. I have one that is a really moody clown. Likes to be alone and does NOT like to share his snails. Will actually fight for them.

With most species of Tropicals / fish in general it is trail and error. Some fish we are told not to keep together, won't work. What do we do ? put them together. Set up / tank mates / water quality / food / filtratio ( some like current ) all play a role in keeping any fish schoolers or not. There suroundings have alot to do with there shyness.

I got one in a planted tank. He has NO shame at all. Always out patroling for snails. Got 2 in another tank, fully stocked w/ fish and rocks. These are night hoppers. They prefer to come out under the cover of darkness. Yet, they still venture otu during the day and when they smell flakes hit the water.

So really depends mostly on the individual / tank set up / tank mates. But keep in mind. Some do prefer to have company. At least 2 per tank. In some cases I have up to 5 in a tank. Till they eat all the snails and get to darn fat. Then they get split up into other tanks where works is needed.
Now, these are old timmers and know the routine. They do not mind to much the moves nor do they mind being solo.
They have been around long enough to know that a move means more tasty snails.
I feed the snails to several Victorians that depend on them in there diet so I just try to keep the snails at bay. If they get alittle out of hand and the clowns fall behind. The Hap. Salmon Hippo Point take over.

I have noticed that the clowns prefer certain snails over others. Maybe just mine but these are alittle picky. For the most part, they are great snail hunters and are so darn old they just enjoy life regardless of company. They just want snails.

Like most fish, clowns like to pick a favorite hide out. In your case the driftwood, they will stake it out and dart under or behind st what they think or see as a threat. Even with single kept clowns, they ajust and come out more and more regularly. they do like to hide under / behind things. I see mine under the smallest of rocks at times.

Right now yours is getting use to his home and exploring about. You may not see him but he is most likely cruised the whole tank already and scoped it all out. If you can't or dont get another just be patient and he / she will come around.
Offer it some tasty treats from time to time and this will encourage him / her to come out more often. And also get him / her use to seeing you. At first most fish are scared of there new parents. All they see is this big mug looking in there home. Kinda scary from a fish point of view. LOLOLOL

Good Luck, give him / her time.....

now ive had my clowns for 3 days, still havent seen them come out, stil hiding in the driftwood. their gills are like moving really fast(8-10 times a second) does this mean its breathing heavily?
what do i do now? im worried about them now.... they havent eaten for 3 days but their colours are stil very bright.

danny? :(
Hi HellStorm,

I wouldn't worry too much, ClownLoaches are a very unusual specie of fish. Are they still hiding to date ? ClownLoaches are nocturnal, but as someone mentioned earlier, all of them are different. I have a shoal of three - one prefers to go around alone while the other two love hiding behind a rock with holes. When the other two come out , they all travel in a three !

With regards to their food, they are bottom feeders, but some will eat from the top. Bloodworms are the current favourite with my loaches.

Keep us posted on your progress.

My clown loach disapears sometimes for several days. When he becomes
visible he is very active but sometimes likes to hang from the elodea like
a Christmas tree ornament. I've had him for about 2 years. He mostly likes to stir up the gravel to find something to eat. Satek
Satek said:
He mostly likes to stir up the gravel to find something to eat. Satek
You'll be very surprised at what they find amongst the gravel - nothing may be visible to you, but there could be a whole meal down there for a fish !

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