Clown Loaches...


would botia loaches and pakistani (yo yo) loaches go well with the fish i have in my tank, guppies, millies, platies and tetras? Are they aggresive any of these?

Thanks, Missy
They should do, pakistani loaches are great, my friend has one (I may get one myself tommorow)
There are several species of 'botia' loach. The best snail eaters are botia lohachata/almorhae (the yo-yo/pakistani loach): - to about 4"
botia rostrata: - to about 8" and, therefore, somewhat large for your tank
and botia dario: - to about 3"
Can I point out, at this point, that your tank, being 96 litres, is about 25 gallons. Can you list what you have in the tank currently? Exactly what kinds of tetras and how many of each of the fish you own do you have in there? You may not have room for any new fish at all at the moment.
IMO, the best way to get rid of snails is place a piece of lettuce or cucumber, wighed down, in the tank through the night. In the morning, remove it + all the snails that have collected on it. Keep doing this consistently on a regular basis. Also reduce feeding so the snails aren't getting as much food and, when you get new plants, make sure there are no snails attached. When you see snails on the glass, pick them out or crush them. If you keep this up, you should be able to gradualy reduce their numbers and they'll eventualy be wiped out. Snails aren't that bad anyway. They clean up all sorts of debris and, by the sounds of it, yours are the kind that sift through the substrate, keeping anaerobic pockets from forming.

Im doing the lettuce in glass at the mo, but the problem is so bad.

This is what ive got in my tank:
1 Guppie
Around 5 fry
2 Marble Mollies
2 (unknown type Mollies)
9 Neon Tetras
4 Flame Tetras
2 Platys
Around 4 platy fry
NONE ARE BIGGER THAN THIS <--------------------->

Could I add some loaches with the amount of fish i have?
It's a tight one- You tank is smaller than ithought it was :S, just try the pakistani loach- it is nice and small and should do the job in a tank that size
You shouldn't realy. You don't have room for any more fish. You could buy the loach, let it eat the snails, and then return it. You have no room to keep it permanently. Only buy one if you are definite you'll be prepaired to give it up once its job is done.
You shouldn't realy. You don't have room for any more fish. You could buy the loach, let it eat the snails, and then return it.

Uggh, better not. Clowns don't handle moves all that great.

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